You may well have read ROBCakeran53's
My Little Dashie, perhaps among the most well-known MLP:FiM fanfics ever created. (If not, you should; it's a good one.) And now, StormXF3 - known for his various "ponies in real life" videos, especially a series where he attempts to snatch Rainbow Dash's Daring Do books while she's not looking - has collaborated with a number of equally talented individuals to produce a
27-minute movie version of it:
It's sad, and it's touching, just like the written version; of course it's abridged and compressed, but it still manages to do justice to the tale, not just telling all its important events but also capturing its mood. The narrator did an outstanding job - and so did the producer, the actors and voice actors, the animators, and everyone else involved with it.
It's not entirely flawless, of course. There are a few stretches with no sound - no narration, no character voices, no music and no sound effects, and this feels weird, as if your headphones suddenly unplugged themselves. And the voice actors, though good, were not the closest matches for the characters' canon voices.
But to criticize the project on these grounds would amount to nit-picking and pedantry. Don't lose sight of the forest for the trees, and you will find a wonderful little movie, very much worth spending half an hour of your time watching.