Poster source: Go to
Everfree Livestream and Chat or to
Justin.TV for a livestream of BroNYcon, on right now.
Tentative schedule for BroNYcon.
Here is a great
video diary of that BroNYcon weekend by JHaller2. Mr Haller has a great narrative voice and had the best of luck navigating around the pitfalls and tar-babies of the event. JHaller had a good time at BroNYcon, helped in part by his meeting up with people he knew, at least through online interaction, and by having well developed interpersonal skills. This should be a good primer for people who've reserved a spot at the June BroNYcon. JHaller2 is best known for
his vid of
BlackGryph0n's song Proud to be a Brony and for this
Pony vid set to BoonDocks audio clips.
I totally missed the Bronyville/Everfree radio panel. I was watching and rewatching Family Appreciation Day on Livestream (no Hub here).
I caught the tail end of a panel on brony demographics given by "Dr Psych Ology", who sounds somewhat like Jim Henson. 8^)
Then there was the
musicians panel. It was cool.
Equestria Online demo. Looks like The Endless Forest ("you are a deer"), but in Ponyville and with gameplay. Could be fun!
Artist panel: Pixelkitties rocks! Here"s
the Skyrim/ponies parody comic she took to the con, where she sold every print she had.
Fighting is Magic)
Twilight is best pony fighter,
but ponies are fighting! ;_;
Huh! A Derpy Hooves fursuit.
Then there
was a screening of
Family Appreciation Day. I was disappointed I couldn't hear the audience reaction from the Livestream camera.
Here is a high definition recording of the V.A. panel (improved) taken from a mid-audience vantage point and matched with audio from the Everfree Radio set-up. At about 30 minutes into the hour long panel the V.A.'s are asked if there is anything they would like the brony community to do for them. First they suggested we make the dresses Rarity made in the series.
babylondonstar's Fluttershy in her Gala dress was immediately cited as an example of excellence in fan-made ponies in dresses. After some more thought, the hosts brought up brony charity drives. The V.A. for Princess Celestia was impressed and requests that we spread the word about the various charitable donations bronies have contributed, notably, Bronies for Good (children's cancer), Humble Brony Bundle (games for children in hospitals and support for independent developers), and the money another V.A. (Sweeie Belle?) is raising for children's relief. The VA's had a wonderful time and
had nothing but great things to say about the brony crowd.
The next panel was
David Ingram on Skype. There was
some difficulty with finding a microphone that worked, and near the end a chorus of about ten singers got up and
sang At The Gala, and did quite nicely.
The fan-animation (harsh language content),
Epic Pie Time, a sequel to Epic Cupcake Time, was premiered at the con. By the time it was uploaded to Youtube, some of the apples had
changed to zap apples.
Cosplay show and tell or something.
I skipped it.
Powerpoint about Equestria mythology online at: Equestria Daily soon, link to youtube. (Panel canceled due to tech difficulty.)
On to
the auction! I really liked... the scarves! The heart breaker was the poor artist who spent over a solid week making a lovely monochrome humanized (crossover?) portrait of some of the ponies, had it signed by the VA's at the con, and requested that the opening bid be $500. The bidding dropped and dropped until it finally sold for $300. Ouch. And then stuff like a cardboard display thing for Canterlot merch (probably from a Target store) and a white pony modded from a Fashion Style Rarity (I forgot into who) also fetched $300. Oy vey. There was also a big Pinkie pie made from confectioner's sugar (over a styrofoam core). I guess it was just as well the Equestria Mythology panel got canceled -- the auction seems to have taken longer than originally planned and they were in a real rush at the end.
The proceeds from the auction are to help finance the next BroNYcon (June 30 and July 1st) which will be attended by Lauren Faust! I kinda hope it will be off the island of Manehatten.
I didn't stay up for the concert. Too sleepy. 8^) But Livestream didn't sleep. First up was
Neighslayer (sound quality is rough), playing Cutie Mark Crusaders, Winter Wrap-Up, Applejack's Fight theme (Fighting is Magic), and Might be Shy (original song!).
AlexS and OmniPony, ending with a collaboration with Eurobeat Brony (Life as You Know it).
And I'm kinda happy I didn't go. I'm safe at home, I didn't have to deal with huge rowdy crowds of people I don't know, and the roads are slick with freshly falling snow. But I bet there was loads of lovely stuff to buy. 8^p I've since read that had I gone, I would have waited in line until sometime in the afternoon to get in and that it was way too crowded.