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Jan 31, 2011 10:45

Friday, I bought a gun.

It was my first time buying a gun. Mind you, it's not for me, it's a v-day gift for the Monkey (because nothing says romance like a 12-gauge double barrel shot gun with a beautifully carved stock). It's odd to buy something that you don't actually get to pick up for several days. Nice to not have to worry about the back ground check though, being as my record is impeccable. Like an ass, I had left my driver's license in my side pouches after Edwardian Ball (and drove around without it all week without noticing - go me!), so I had to fax it in later (a good friend is a huge regular at this store, so I go some leeway). That was fun, with Monkey having to show me how to scan & fax from his machine without actually looking at what I was doing. Still, we managed.

Vended at Hubba's Cabaret Perilous Friday night. As much fun as it was, and as much as I made money, it sucked to miss both Meat Guild & the Glenn Danzig Tribute Burlesque show in the city. Ah well. I made as much as I did the Friday before, at the Edwardian Ball. Down to the dollar. Mind you, Friday at Edwardian was not much (for an event of that scale, anyway), but was respectable for a club night. I don't regret me decision to leave Hubba on Mondays, but it was still nice to be back at the Uptown. The show was awesome as well.

The Money from Friday made it possible to buy the supplies for my first two raised beds, which we did Saturday. It was seriously $1.80 more than I had made. I then painted myself gold (which you couldn't really see in the club, but it was interesting to see how I would look tan), bedazzled myself, and went to Pop Roxx. I ended up go-go dancing on stage at one point (and asked to! I didn't just jump stage). That was pretty awesome. Began repairing a drama-damaged friendship with someone (I specifically haven't written about the particulars of the drama-storm, and won't. I'm just glad it seems to be passing at last). Over all though, the music really wasn't my thing (though I liked the band), so we went to Cat's for a bit. I was fairly tired from dancing & as drunk as I was willing to get, so we left before too long. That's when I noticed I didn't have my purse. Went back to DNA, then Cat's, then DNA again. I felt like an ass. I'm not the girl who loses her purse. Yeah, I've left in it coat check once or twice, but I haven't LOST it. Luckily, ID, cash, and phone were on me, but iPOD, house keys, stereo faceplate, and a bunch of other little things were in there. Went to bed stressing when the DNA called. They found it, we could get it Monday. Then another friend called, she lives close to us, so she'd just bring it home with her. I love my club friends so much.

Sunday was full of dirt & building & figuring out how to make things work because we hadn't done this before. Still, planter boxes are pretty easy & we already had one when we moved in to use as a template. The first box took an hour & a half, the second, a half hour. I underestimated my dirt needs & only bought enough for one box, which is fine, as only one really needed to be seeded now. They're big & pretty & will make lots of food happen. I'm finally over trying to make stuff grow in craptastic Oakland soil (even with partial replacement & lots of fertilizing every year). My peas & lettuce in the first box are already growing like crazy. the second, seeded yesterday right after we filled it, has onions, radishes, carrots, and spinach. I also want to plant 3 kinds of potatoes, at least 4 kinds of tomatoes, bell peppers, corn, 2-3 kinds of squash, cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, more strawberries, more blueberries, beans, basil, cilantro . . . . I don't quite have to room for all that yet though. Still trying to decide what to cut from that list . . . . I'm hoping for 4 boxes this year with maybe 2 more next year.

Our new roommate finally moved in (after paying rent for almost 2 months & generally dropping off a box or two a week). It's weird sharing the common spaces again, as we had separate common spaces with the old one. Really, Monkey & I prefer living alone, but we can't afford to while he's still unemployed. Pluses of having a new roommate though: we wanted to watch Sons of Anarchy, but I wouldn't get the new disk from Netflix til Tuesday. He downloaded the end of the season for us, plus is downloading season 3 today, which isn't even available in dvd yet! I NEED MY BIKER SOAP OPERA DAMMIT!!!

oof, between the go-go dancing & the gardening, my legs feel like I've run a marathon. I've been walking around like an old lady all day.
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