The Mail Order Groom

Sep 30, 2011 21:39

Ch. 7The next couple of weeks went by in a blur.  Reid was called to the hospital twice for emergency surgeries. On both occasions Luciano got in a cab and made his way to Dallas Baptist to wait, wanting to be there when Reid finished, so he wouldn’t have to drive home alone. Although he was surprised to see Luciano there the first time, Reid grew accustomed to it by his third appearance, and actually looked forward to it. It meant, if he was being honest with himself…..everything. Luciano would just stand to greet him, grab his hand, and smile that sweet, caring smile. Reid wanted that perfect smile to stay directed solely on him for forever. Reid was growing more attached to his groom and felt completely powerless to stop it, so he tried not to dwell on it too much.

Luciano had the nightmare about Damian again. His eyes burned from the tears and his throat felt raw from the screams he’d obviously let out. Reid was right there again to comfort and calm him. This time, when Luciano grabbed a hold of Reid, neither of them even pretended they were going to let go. Reid just leaned back on the arm of the couch with Luciano curled onto his lap, his back resting solidly against Reid’s bare chest. Reid stroked Luciano’s hair and whispered all the words Luciano needed to hear. Soon they were both asleep, cuddled on the couch in Reid’s office, neither of them waking until the following morning.

Reid had two more interviews with the board for the promotion. His Chief of Staff was there to fully endorse him this time for the position. Dr. Stevens made sure to let everyone know that Reid had gotten married and that he now saw no reason to speculate further on the future of fundraising possibilities, having seen Luciano around the hospital and how Reid obviously had the support he needed from home now. Reid thought the whole thing was rather ridiculous, seeing as he was still the exact same doctor he’d been six weeks ago, before Luciano had arrived. The board members informed him they would be making their decision within the next couple of weeks, but that they still had reservations. That night when Reid made it home from the hospital, Luciano was anxiously awaiting his arrival holding a shiny black envelope addressed to the both of them.

Reid saw the invitation for the trustee’s dinner showcasing the new wing. Luciano knew exactly what it was, too, having overheard a conversation between Reid and Dr. Stevens just the day before. This party was to be the ‘final test’ in his potential as the head of the new wing. Luciano had to once again play dumb for Reid’s sake. He hated pretending, but the ever looming fear of his husband’s reaction stopped him from admitting he knew what it said. He hoped Reid would want to go to the dinner, and bring him along, knowing the remaining candidates vying for his position would also be invited. Luciano knew this was why Reid had ultimately agreed to the marriage, to assure that he got the promotion he’d rightly earned. Now that it was so close, Luciano wanted this for Reid more than anything he could want for himself.
In the short time they’d been together, Luciano knew Reid was a brilliant and caring doctor.  He’d witnessed it first hand on more than one occasion now. He’d also discovered that Reid was a deep feeling and lonely man, though no one else would ever think so. He deserved everything in life that had so far escaped him. It didn’t matter how much Luciano still had to learn about Reid’s past, he trusted him, and that meant everything.

He needed them to be at the party together and he’d figure out a way to help his husband get the job. Black tie events put Luciano right in his element. It may have been a year since he’d been to one, but before that, he’d been to several each year since moving to Malta, always attending with his father.

“Andiamo?” (We go?) He asked, looking hopefully ignorant.

Reid, understanding what Luciano was asking, gave a short snort and making a disgusted face. “You want to go? I hate these things. The inane chit chat, the monkey suits, the air of superiority from people who know less than nothing about real medicine...” after he noticed the smile start to wane from Luciano’s face he added in Italian “si?”(yes)

An instant beam blossomed back over Luciano’s face, unable to hide his excitement at getting the answer he was looking for, even if it was phrased in the form of a question. He nodded enthusiastically to Reid and gave him a hug before exiting the room, leaving Reid speechless next to the door.


The night of the dinner, both men got dressed in the tuxes Reid had rented. Luciano covertly admired just how handsome Reid looked. He stole glances, forming a breathtaking mental picture he was sure he’d be dreaming about later. Reid, for his part, didn’t even bother to be covert in his obvious approval of how his husband looked. “The short cutoffs are hot but this might even be better. You look like you were born to wear one of those. For a rental, it sure hits you in all the right places.”

Luciano just stood there, not knowing how to respond but loving the fact Reid approved. Finally, Reid held out his hand, letting a crooked half smile form on his face. Luciano instantly returned the gesture, linking them together, making everything feel perfect.

It didn’t take long once they’d arrived for Luciano to see just how horrible Reid was at this kind of thing. He wasn’t mingling at all, instead spending his time stuffing his face with hors d'oeuvres, cynically criticizing the ‘deli slicer’ neurosurgeons there, vying for his job, schmoozing with board members. Luciano knew more than ever that it would be up to him to seal the promotion for Reid. Leaving him to the food, Luciano started milling around the room until he overheard a major investor regaling a board member about the trip to Italy he and his wife were planning for the end of the month, and how he’d had to pay for a private tutor so she could learn to speak the language, wanting to feel authentic or something. Jackpot, he’d found his opening.

He found the investor’s wife looking bored out of her mind and getting another glass of wine from the wait staff.  He approached and put on his game face, angelic sweet sincere and interested. She didn’t know it yet but she was about to become Luciano’s unintentional translator. He’d use this circumstance to do what he could to remove any doubt that Reid should run the wing.

“Ahhhh un Chateau La Gaffeliere del 1998. una scelta eccellente. chiaramente apprezzi le cose raffinate nella vita.” (Ahhh, a 1998 Chateau La Gaffeliere, an excellent choice. You clearly enjoy the finer things in life)

The women turned and looked Luciano up and down, liking what she saw. “"Beh non sei un giovane uomo raffinato. E così bello così." (Well aren’t you a refined young man. And so handsome as well)

Luciano extended his hand, palm up. When the lady placed hers gently on top, he leaned down and brushed a light caress of his lips to the back of her hand. “Luciano Grimaldi-Oliver al tuo servizio. Il tuo italiano è superbo. Lui ha mentito facilmente. Sei stato in Italia diverse volte? sembri quasi un nativo.”  (Luciano Grimaldi-Oliver at your service. Your Italian is superb” he easily lied. “Have you been to Italy several times? You sound almost like a native)

Luciano could tell the lady was lapping it up like a feline over a bowl of warm milk. “Venezia è la mia personale città preferita, è la citta dell'amore e ogni altra cosa.” (Venice is my personal favorite city, it being the city of love and everything)

The woman batted her eyes adoringly and Luciano knew he was in. “Sei così dolce. io non ero mai stato fuori dagli US finora. Aspettare fino a quando mio marito sente come ti ho ingannato. Il mio nome è Vivian Lancaster. Con chi sei qui? Comunque sia lei è un donna davvero fortunata.”  (You are so sweet. I’ve never been out the US actually. Wait until my husband hears how I fooled you. My name is Vivian Lancaster. Who are you here with? Whoever it is she is a very lucky lady)

Luciano faltered for just a beat, now that she expected him to be with, well, a woman. He just had to keep that natural charisma up and pray that it worked. “E' un picere averti incontrata Vivian. Attualmente la persona fortunata sono io. Sono sposato con il Dottor Reid Oliver.” (It is a pleasure to meet you Vivian. The lucky person actually is me. I am married to Doctor Reid Oliver)

He let the realization of what he’d told her wash over Vivian’s face. The surprise was there, but then no anger, only more intrigue. Luciano breathed a silent sigh of relief and poured on more of his charm. “Io spero che abbiate programmato questo viaggio per far buon uso del nostro magnifico linguaggio. Sarebbe un enorme spreco non condividere il vostro dono con il resto del mondo.” (I hope you have a trip planned to put our lovely language to good use. It would be a supreme waste not to share your gift with the rest of the world)

Vivian blushed a bit at the compliment. “lo faccio veramente. La fine del mese. sei di origini Italiane Luciano?”  (I do actually. The end of the month. Are you from Italy Luciano?)

“Malta in realtà. ma mio padre si è assicurato che io imparassi la lingua in giovane età. Lui aveva un cuore romantico e penso io anche.  Questo è perchè mi si spezza il cuore pensando che mio marito è infelice.”  (Malta actually, but my father made sure I learned the language at an early age. He was a romantic at heart and I guess I am too. That is why it breaks my heart to think of my husband being unhappy)
“Infelice? E perché mai? Non può stare con te mio caro, tu sembri perfetto per me.”  (Unhappy? Whatever for? It can’t be with you my dear, you seem perfect to me)

Luciano smiled at the compliment and knew it was time to go in for the kill. “Beh, vedi, lui è il brillante neurochirurgo che stà aspettando di diventare il più giovane capo dipartimento del paese quando il consigliodi amministrazione finalmente approverà la promozione che lui giustamente merita. Ma poiché, a lui non gli piace vantarsi di tutto ciò che ha compiuto, per qualche motivo loro sono esitanti. Penso che forse abbiamo bisogno di parlare a suo nome, non ti pare Vivian?”  (Well, you see, he is the brilliant neurosurgeon expecting to become the youngest department head in the country when the board finally approves him for the promotion he so rightly deserves. But since he doesn’t like to brag about all that he has accomplished for some reason they are hesitating. I think maybe we need to speak up on his behalf, don’t you think so Vivian?)

“Bene, se la metti in questo modo, credo di doverlo fare. In che modo posso esserti utile? cosa pensi che dovremmo fare?”  (Well, when you put it that way, I guess I do. How can I help? What do you think we should do?)

“Tu conosci tutte le persone che contano qui. io posso dirti se loro sono collegati a questioni importanti. Con chi pensi che dovremmo parlare?”  (You know all the people of great consequence here I bet. I can tell you are well connected in matters of importance. Whom do you think we should talk to?)

Luciano could tell he’d hit the right note. Vivian presented herself a little more regally and scanned the room. Luciano did the same thing and his eyes landed on Reid, who was giving him the most quizzical look. Luciano just smiled at him and returned his focus to Vivian as she spoke.
“Qua fuori, mio marito e un suo compagno di golf stanno parlando con un paio di membri del consiglio di amministrazione proprio in questo momento. La nostra famiglia e loro hanno donato ingenti somme di denaro in passato per l'ospedale. Pensi che dovremmo andare a parlare con loro?” (Over there, my husband and a golfing buddy of his are speaking with a couple members of the board right now. Our family and theirs have donated substantial amounts of money to the hospital in the past. Do you think we should go talk to them?)

“Ahhh, pefetto Vivian! che idea brillante hai avuto.”  (Ahh, perfect Vivian. What a brilliant idea you’ve had) And in his head he gave himself a fist pump and a resounding, “yes”!

As they walked over to the group, Reid once again caught Luciano’s eye and raised his eyebrow in a clear sign of asking what the hell he was doing. Luciano nodded his head in the direction they were heading.

That was Reid’s breaking point. He’d been watching his husband for the last ten minutes looking like he was flirting with some woman who looked old enough to be his mother. He had to get to the bottom of what was going on. If he lost this job because Luciano was hitting on somebody important’s wife, he’d never get over it. He headed in his direction to intercept him and drag him out of there if need be. He arrived just in time to hear the woman say “Gentlemen, this is Luciano Grimaldi-Oliver. He and I have some important things we think you need to hear.”

Reid’s brows furrowed at the fact Luciano had added his last name. He had no idea what to expect, but he just prayed it wasn’t completely catastrophic.

The entire group turned to look at Luciano. He crossed the group and grabbed Reid’s hand, smiling at him before speaking. “Dr. Reid Oliver è molto più esperto e appassionato di quanto le persone non sappiano. Lui è un medico geniale, questo è indiscutibile, ma la gente non sa perché lui ci tiene così tanto. L'ho visto in prima persona, mentre lavorava in ospedale. E 'un elemento prezioso a Dallas Baptist Hospital. Sono molto fortunato ad essere suo sposo, mi sento così orgoglioso di lui ....e voi dovreste esserlo altrettanto.”  (Dr. Reid Oliver is more skilled and passionate than people know. He is a brilliant doctor that is undisputed, but people don’t know it’s because he cares so much. I’ve seen him first hand while at the hospital. He is a true asset to Dallas Baptist Hospital. I am very lucky to be his spouse, I’m so proud of him…. you should be too)

While the rest of the group stared at him, having no idea what he’d just said, Vivian  smiled and patted Luciano on the arm as she promised to repeat everything he’d said so eloquently. As she retold her husband and several others, translating closely enough that Luciano knew his point was coming across, Reid was unable to hide the surprise. As he heard Luciano’s words repeated back to him, he stood a little taller and prouder knowing that’s what his husband thought of him. Luciano just held his gaze steady, losing himself in Reid crystal blue eyes, and held his hand like the lifeline he’d come to treat it as.

Vivian surprised Reid then when she went on to agree with everything Luciano had said. She praised him, and Reid knew she didn’t know him from Adam, and fully endorsed him as the obvious choice for the promotion. Reid didn’t know what was happening, but soon others were following suit, commenting on what a find he was and to make sure he stayed at Dallas Baptist for the long haul.

Reid attempted, the best he could to make small talk, and not insult anyone for the next half hour. Suddenly, everyone wanted to talk to him. He didn’t like being focused on so intensely, at least not when he wasn’t in an operating room. Finally giving up, he made some excuse about still being a newlywed and wanting to get his husband home for some quiet time. Most of the men just sort of cleared their throats and pretended not to know what he was talking about, while the women all smiled and awwwed them.

The ride home, Reid couldn’t keep quiet. “I don’t know what you did, but that was amazing. You are amazing. You got a bunch of people who don’t know squat about me to sing my praises to anyone who would listen. It’s ridiculous, but it just might work…. Just….. I wish you could understand how much it means to me what you did tonight. If I get this job, which I totally deserve by the way because I AM the best neurosurgeon in the country, it will probably be because of what you did. I know that was kind of supposed to be the point of having you around in the first place, but not like this…. You were like the puppet and they all danced when you wanted them to. I just….. that was seriously impressive…. “Grazie” (Thank you)

Luciano was a little astonished when his heart didn’t burst right out of his chest, he was so happy.


The next morning Luciano woke early and threw on a tight pair of cutoff shorts and quickly made his way to the kitchen to start the coffee pot. He hoped to have a fresh pot brewed before Reid came down the hall ready to leave for the hospital. He wasn’t sure why exactly, but the bits of domesticity in Reid’s house were beginning to make it feel like he might have a family to call his own again.

As the dry roast dripped into the carafe, the eye opening aroma of fresh brewed coffee filled the apartment.  Luciano reached into the refrigerator to retrieve the caramel flavored creamer he knew Reid liked but would never admit to. Next, he stretched high on the tips of his toes to grab the “Brains of a Neurosurgeon, hands of a God” mug. He stilled at the words he heard coming from behind him. Reid spoke in the same velvety voice that had whispered to Luciano in his sleep last night, helping each other out their tuxes in his dream, and doing all sorts of deliciously naughty things.

“Jesus, that ass is going to be the death of me, I swear. How you think it’s ok to traipse around here wearing next to nothing and not make me hard beyond belief is a complete mystery to me. Hell of a morning greeting, though, I have got to say.” Reid let out an appreciative whistle “calves flexing….pushing my eyes up to that round firm ass…. Shit, now I’m going to have to take a cold shower before I can walk out of here without hurting myself.”

Luciano took long deep breaths trying to steady his pounding heart. Eddie had never said anything like that to him. As many of these little comments he’d been hearing off and on now for four weeks, he just couldn’t imagine anyone picturing him like that. Luciano didn’t know how he could face Reid anymore and not give away the amazement and power he felt in turning someone on like that, but especially someone as attractive as Reid.

Because he knew he had to acknowledge Reid had spoken, Luciano did turn around to face him. He kept his eyes closed as he tried to still his telltale rapid heartbeat. Oblivious as ever, Reid had no idea what kind of effect he was having on Luciano. Reid walked right up to him, reaching around to grab for his mug. As his hand passed Luciano’s waist it brushed along bare skin just above those low riding cutoff shorts. Reid couldn’t help the need for just a tiny brush of that velvety smooth, pale skin that he knew would fill the image he planned to jack off to later. He felt a little foolish with the rather overt move to touch Luciano, but just didn’t particularly care at the moment.

Luciano felt like his skin was on fire. He’d never been so turned on in his life and it was from just the slightest brushing of Reid’s hand. Luciano couldn’t stop it from happening, his body responded without resistance from his head. He only half opened his eyelids and peered at Reid with lust filled eyes, licking his suddenly painfully dry lips. Reid saw it. There was no mistaking the look no matter how hard Luciano tried. That was all the invitation Reid needed.

Finally, after what felt like forever, they were letting their bodies take over. Both Reid’s hands grabbed Luciano’s waist, his fingers digging into Luciano’s skin hard enough to bruise. Reid stepped closer while pulling Luciano closer to him, rubbing his hardened cock against the small amount of denim covering the front of Luciano.

The gasped in unison at how equally turned on the other was. It wasn’t lost on Reid that they were feeling each other for the first time. His mind registered warning flashes long enough that he paused to see if Luciano was going to push him away. Instead Luciano brought his hand to the back of Reid’s neck, using it partly to steady himself and partly to root himself in place. Reid took that as a good sign and after taking one final steadying breath, leaned in.

As their lips met, the air stilled and the room became charged with the most exquisite emotions. Joy at finally giving in to what they both wanted began radiating off them in a steady stream. Reid took his time exploring the soft plains of Luciano’s lips before finally seeking entrance inside from his tongue.

Luciano all but melted at the sheer warmth that enveloped him and opened willingly, allowing his husband further exploration. The kiss stayed slow and meticulous. Reid wanted to savor every single moment that he knew was going to end way sooner than he would want it to.
As first kisses went, it blew away what Luciano had experienced with Eddie. It made him realize just how naïve he’d been. The experience of his lips meeting Reid Oliver’s he knew would forever alter the course of his life. He sighed as Reid eased up to take a breath. They looked at each other only briefly before Reid began the assault on his lips in earnest again.

Luciano clung to him for dear life, getting lost in the overwhelming sensation as his heart beat wildly in his chest. Reid didn’t think he would ever get enough of the taste of Luciano to fulfill the hunger he’d been living with for far too long. He knew now that his appetite had been wetted, it would never be enough. He began to reach down toward Luciano’s waistband, skimming his long lean fingers through the perfectly hairy torso of his young groom.

Then, like a four AM wakeup call no one asked for, the coffee pot beeped in completion and Luciano jumped at the noise. Reid backed away muttering to himself while Luciano covered his mouth in astonishment at what had just taken place. That kiss had blown any make out session he’d had with Eddie out of the water.

Reid shook his head as if trying to clear the cobwebs. As seconds continued to click off, Reid finally spoke, appalled he’d let his feelings get the best of him. “I’m so sorry…. Oh my god I can’t believe I let that happen… I….”  Reid looked at Luciano and mistook his astonishment for fear. “I didn’t mean to come on so strong. I’m sorry.” He took a couple steps back trying to get some distance before he gave in to what he wanted to do, which was to reach back in and resume what he’d started. “I… I mean look at you… I just couldn’t help myself. Shit…” Reid rubbed the back of his hand across his forehead and down his eyes. “God Reid, stop babbling, he can’t understand you anyway. Now he’s going to be afraid you’re going to jump him every time you see him…. How did I get myself into this mess?”

Luciano wanted so badly to reassure Reid that the feelings were mutual, but couldn’t just say it. He was so afraid how Reid would react when he found out Luciano secretly understood everything he was saying to him. He thought back to the last secret he’d kept and how his father had ended up dead because of it. He couldn’t lose Reid like that, he just couldn’t. Luciano just had to figure out a way to show Reid without giving it away. He needed to come up with a plan to share his secret and not let anything bad happen.

Luciano turned around and picked up the forgotten mug on the counter, filling it with the right mix of coffee and caramel creamer, and walked over to Reid who still looked mortified at what he’d done. Holding the mug in one hand Luciano placed the other on Reid’s cheek and leaned in to place a soft kiss upon his lips. Luciano sighed once again at the feeling of rightness as their lips melted into each other. He stepped away and Reid took the cup from him, surprise and confusion companions on his face.

Luciano continued with what he always said to Reid before he left for the hospital. “Ti prometto che sarò (proprio) qui quando tornerai.” (I promise I will be right here whenever you get back) He turned away from Reid, walked down the hall and into his bedroom, hoping it wouldn’t take his heart too long to return to a rate a little closer to normal.


rating: nc-17, fan fiction, !author|artist: broncotvgirl

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