Jan 08, 2004 03:07
Shit....it's been a long damn time since I've updated. Anyway, today started out good. It is EZ-E's birthday and she ended up sleeping over last night on the lonely couch, which is the same damn lonely couch I am sleeping on tonight because a roommate of mine decided to throw his plastic tipped darts into my room at my air mattress last night while we were drinking, because we were drinking a lot and I won't say who but somebody puked in the kitchen and it wasn't Jeremy or I but I will tell you that I had to clean up the kitchen floor and clean puke off of (hint hint) Erin's pants. I woke her up around 9 when the damn workers came over to finish up the grout work in T Doggs old room and the sauna room and we talked or a while until she finally was ready to get off the couch and go home. There was one small problem with that though, she couldn't find her keys so we looked all over the kitchen area of the house and still didn't find them. we decided to walk back to her car and try to trace her steps along the way which ended up fruitless. after that she called her house to see if anybody was home to make sure she could get in if I drove her home...Kelsey was home so after we looked one more time around the kitchen area, which is the only area of the house she was in last night and found nothing, I rove her home. after that I drove home in the slush and looked through the house again ad then went to sleep on the damn lonely couch because once again my air mattress has no fucking air!!!!....I slept for a couple hours which was good because I didn't get a whole lot of sleep the night before with EZ-E sleeping on the couch with her head on my lap (totally my choice...I'm not blaming that on you E) and then finally going to my room with the mattress that was flatter than a week old beer on my floor trying to sleep on that (Unsuccessfully I might add). I went to a few stores with Jim looking for a suana heater, again unsuccessful, and then went to Costco. Had a great time there like usual, and got back home around 7 to find some IM's from Erin telling me to meet them at the Beaver or Rogue between 8 and 8:30, but I got ahold of her and she picked me up instead. Had a lot of fun at the bar and got really drunk...it ws good to see Erin and Ann and also Trent and Kelsey and all the other people that showed up. Matt drove me home and then went to Erin's house with her and that's when the shit started. Once again Jeremy had too damn much o drink and sooo did Jim and they started argueing about stupid shit like they usually do every once in while but this time it was worse then normal. Gina was here with Jeremy and for some reason the little fella thought we should all play moose with hard A again tonight for his birthday. I didn't want any part of it because I was already way too drunk and so I started using my lap top...the jackass went upstairs and unplugged the internet and told me to play with him because I wasn't gonna be able to talk to EZ-E anyway while she was at home f@cking Matt, which I didn't need to hear even if it may be true. I agreed to play with the dumb ass if he would plug the internet chord back in, so he did. we sat around the table for a little bit and finally decided not to play when Jimmy told him he didn't want to play either and the shit started flying. Him and Jim started screaming at each other for about 30 minutes, about stupid shit (mostly about how Jeremy through family experience doesn't think that anybody that lives in a trailer park can become anything, while Jim screamed at him that there is always hope for poor people and Jeremy should try to be a positive role model for his relatives instead of giving up on them) before he pinned Jim down on the lonely couch so that he says he wouldn't punch him. It was worse then I'm making it sound and I don't know what to do anymore. I fucking hate it when roommates and friends fight...I'm glad that neither of them decided to throw a punch tonight. that would have been incredibly bad...anyway I'm drunk and tired so I'm going to bed. Maybe I'll talk to all of you tomorrow, I don't know. I don't know how much stupid shit I can take anymore. Probably I'll just put on my happy face and go around like nothing is bothering me like I usually do so that nobody knows that anything is bothering me. It's easier that way, but right now I'm tired of all the stupid fucking shit, and I'm sorry too. I hate feeling like this, but I don't know what to do.