any suggestions...

Oct 21, 2006 03:26

We are going to TN for a week next week. My child does not like sleeping in the Pack N Play. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get him to sleep? We could co-sleep in hotels because we will have a king size bed, but that won't work when we go to GA in a month. He will sleep at my mom's house because she has a crib...I hope, but he won't sleep at the in-laws. I could probably convince Doug to let us stay with my mom since we will only be there one night, but what about Christmas?!?!?

For the last 3 nights he has slept in it..2 in his room and 1 night in the guest room (an unfamiliar room to him), but tonight he woke up at 10:30 and was not having it!! I would pick him up and he would fall asleep immediately, but when I would put him down he would scream. After 30 minutes of off and on screaming I finally moved him to his crib where he went to sleep in seconds.

Also, I know to bring his crib "toys" with us, but that isn't really helping much. I am hoping to get him to sleep in the guest room tomorrow night then move him to the bonus room for a night or 2 before we go!
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