
Jan 26, 2021 12:45

Cos, goodness knows, it's nearing the end of January (roll on next Monday!), it's overcast and raining outside, again, and while the daylight hours are indeed increasing (even on days like today), it's a long time until the clocks Spring Forward at the end of March.  Ah well, February is the shortest month.

Yesterday was gloriously sunny.  As we live centre city on the south coast, shielded by a Really Big Hill to the north, we haven't, yet, had snow.  It's been pretty Cold, but hey, I'm a knitter.  We've got it covered, mostly in wool.  I think the last time we actually had snow here was one of the Beasts From The East back in 2018.  Go check my back catalogue if you're that interested, Dear Reader.

Yes, yesterday was Monday.  But yesterday was also sunny.  So, washing done and pegged out, having checked the weather forecast for wind direction (NW, veering WNW) and 'feels like' temperatures (0-2°C), we wrapped up well went out.  H walked down to the Front.  I went by bus.  We met, and ambled downwind along the Front.

The sun shone, the wind was at our backs, the sea sparkled, there weren't too many people around so we could keep our Social Distances.  There were loads of juvenile starlings around twittering together (possibly about how chilly it was) and looking for crumbs.  There were quite a few gulls about too, it was noticeable that the Black-Headed Gulls are moulting into their chocolate-brown-faced breeding plumage.  Most are currently at the 'looks like they're wearing headphones' stage.

There were other birds.  Occasionally I'd catch a glimpse of something scurrying along the ground beside me, further inspection would show it to be the shadow of a passing gull!

It was a lovely day.  We had a very pleasant walk.  We had lunch in the sun out on one of the piers.  We got to sample the coffee and brownies from the new outlet that's opened there.  We recommend the coffee, they do oatmilk too.  We also recommend their brownies.  H had a Mint Chocolate Brownie - distinguished by an After Eight Mint on top, I had a Chocolate Orange Brownie - distinguished by two Terry's chocolate clementine slices on top.  (They were too small for chocolate orange slices!)

Around 3pm we decided to head for home.  So I got the bus.  Occasionally this bus route runs double-decker buses.  This was one of those times.  As I'd bought I Day Rover ticket I decided to sit right at the front of the top deck and 'drive' the bus home the long way.  Tee hee!  My inner six-year-old was ecstatic.

And because it was Burns' Night (it's quite a long link) we had a (culturally appropriated and adapted) Burns' Supper.  Instead of haggis with bashed tatties, chappit neeps and whisky, we had Mr Brains' Faggots (the food kind, not bundles of sticks used as kindling) with Rich Gravy, bashed tatties, steamed Spring Greens and tea.

We are Sassenachs after all, and we are in Lockdown.  To be served Properly a haggis should be piped in (by a piper in full regalia) and Addressed before being cut and served.  If it's not safe to sing indoors, it's probably not safe to play the pipes indoors either, plus the only 'pipes' either of us can play are recorders.  It would be breaking Regulations, not to mention inadvisable, to invite a pipe-playing stranger into our home!  It might also annoy the neighbours.  Pipes are definitely Outdoor music.  Or somewhere with Very High ceilings, like a Scots castle.

The next (culturally appropriated) celebration?  Chinese New Year.  That'll be in a couple of weeks' time.  Don't tell the Scots, but I think the food is nicer!

What are you celebrating to help lift your mood, Dear Reader?

bleak midwinter, burns' night, chinese new year, celebrations, food

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