Ring Out the Old, Wring In The New

Jan 15, 2021 12:21

Did I mention?  Our washing machine died during Twixtmas (the period between Christmas and New Year.)  I shall not complain.  Turns out it gave us sixteen years of loyal service, and clean clothes.

Of course, the timing of it's passing wasn't that helpful, but there are now only the two of us, so things didn't accumulate.  Too much.  Though the bedding did need washing.  And the towels.  And we started to run out of socks, pyjamas, etc.

Yay Google!  We located the nearest Launderette - which is considerably further away than the last time we needed one - H did a recce to check it was actually open (he's been advised to walk a certain distance most days for his heart.)  Then Saturday last we loaded my old shopping trolley and ventured up there, did the washing, checked out the local park, had lunch in the Launderette (cos it was Very Chilly that day) dried it, packed up and came home.  We remade the bed and folded and put away everything else.  Job done.

Earlier that week we'd also looked online for a replacement washing machine.  We wanted another a top-loader.  The drum has two bearings, unlike a front loader which has but one.  H, being an engineer, reckons this makes it stronger and more durable.  See first paragraph, previous machine lasted sixteen years.  Besides which, the machine fits into the corner of the kitchen, accessible through a hole in the worktop.

The Best Price we could find for the model we wanted was from a supplier based in Halifax (Yorkshire, not the building society.)  They, naturally, only deliver* this far south when they have a full lorry.  Which was yesterday.  It arrived yesterday morning, very nice Delivery Guy brought it to our back door and dropped it on the back doormat.  We 'walked' it into the room and unpacked it.  H took the manual and went and read it.  Yes, Dear Reader, a man who Reads The Instructions first!**

We installed it.  We ran the 'hot wash to make sure the machine is clean' program.  We loaded in washing accumulated to yesterday - which I weighed because, apparently, these things matter to modern machines.  3.5Kg*** including the laundry balls, so that won't strain anything.  There's a timer delay, we set it to go off this morning.  I think it's now on the final spin.  Three Hours!

I can see I shall have to be far more organised with my washing in future.  Not necessarily in weighing it, but in setting the timer to start 3am, so that it can take advantage of the 'nighttime lull' and not overstrain the National Grid.  Also so that it will be ready to peg out at a sensible time in the morning.  At this time of year it needs to go out by 10am, so that it can have til 4pm.  Even then it only dries if there's a breeze.  Thinx: is there a breeze today?

Tumble dryer?  Why?  That's even more electricity (even more expense), we have a perfectly good washing line in the yarden, and a clothes horse indoors around the dehumidifier.  It dries.  Ironing things ensures it's fully dry.

S'pose I'd better put the socks on to wash now, then work out how to engage the 'spin only, FAST' cycle.  They're handknit socks, so sit in a warm bath containing wool wash for up to twenty minutes, then get spun down.  It works, Dear Reader, the things that wear out our socks are H's uncut toenails, the soles of my heels and H's heels.  I should know, I spent an afternoon and evening darning several pairs this week.  Bearing in mind it takes an hour or two to darn a pair of socks, and around two weeks to knit a new pair, this is a good use of time.

What I am not so convinced of is whether taking 3 hours to complete a wash cycle is an improvement.  The old machine would do a full load in an hour.  But I shall learn this machine and its ways.  I shall.  I shall probably also develop an even greater interest in the weather forecast.  Will it be worth putting a load on tonight, time delayed to start at 3am, is the weather tomorrow going to be suitable for drying it?

Hmmm, wonder what the 'Time saver' button might do?  And how that will affect the 'Eco' button?

We shall find out.

And due to H having his wits about him while out the other day**, we have someone coming to take the old machine away.  For free!

Whatever you're doing today, Dear Reader, have a good one!

* They had an interesting list of places to which they Won't Deliver - basically anywhere which involves ferries, so no islands, not even Isle of Wight.  Or anywhere they're likely to have to drive along Really Narrow country lanes, although the bulk milk tanker gets up them regularly, and that's probably a similar size.  Or anywhere with an LA**** postcode.  Yorkshire folk apparently have Very Long memories!

** He's a real treasure.

*** How much is 3Kg washing?  Turns out to be less than half a line, and our washing line isn't that long.  Do Full Loads!

**** That's LA as in Lancaster, not Los Angeles.  If they don't deliver to UK islands, they definitely won't deliver to another continent!

new, washing, delivery, washing machine, new is not necessarily better

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