Déjà Vu. Again.

Jan 05, 2021 13:18

Oh look, 76,000 Covid-related deaths and counting.  Hospitals around the country are either FULL, or nearly full, with Covid patients with complications (as well as the usual selection of patients; always more at this time of year because Seasonal Illnesses, even with 'flu jabs being administered to more people than ever this year.)

Very thankful we have Socialised Medicine.  Always have been.  Cos without it, So Many More would be DEAD!

We are now in Lockdown Mk 3.  Maybe, at long last, the Government has gotten the idea that this Covid-19 is SERIOUS, and they are going to regard it as such.  All this fuss about the Economy and trying to keep it going . . .  If they'd shut down much earlier last year, even a week earlier, and not suddenly re-opened everything at the end of the first Lockdown, but done it much more gradually.  Maybe things would be back to 'normal' now - see New Zealand and what they did!

Or if they'd imposed Lockdown 2 back in September when the Scientists were asking them to - back when one or two cases of new-variant-superinfectious-Covid were detected . . .  Rather than waiting until November, then giving everyone the chance to bail out of London to the rest of the country (taking the superinfective variant with them!)

Aaaarrrggh!  Yes, I know, hindsight can easily be 2020.  Just sometimes, it's perfectly possible to have at least 1920 vision.  You know, not quite 2020, but a darn sight better than Full Scale Myopia.  Or even, given the date, remembering all to well the previous pandemic - 'Spanish' Influenza.  Yes, Dear Reader, it wasn't actually Spanish in origin at all.  It was reported in Spain, hence the name. It actually started in the USA, and the US and UK press didn't report on it "lest it adversely affect morale and production of munitions."

Hence 'Spanish' Flu caused more casualties than World War I, WW II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War all together.  Due to Government policy and mismanagement. Plus ça change?

All of which is a somewhat gloomy outlook when facing a new year, but now that we're all shut in with Time On Our Hands, how about something to stimulate 'the little grey cells'?  Serendipity.  (No, Dear Reader, not the TV show!)  Try Radio 4, the pictures are better!  It's also less likely to take you up a thought cul-de-sac, into 'echo chambers' or real Fake News than surfing Social Media.

Meanwhile it is Tuesday.  The sun is shining (it's Lockdown, of course the sun is shining) but I am not trying to dry washing because our washing machine decided it was going to be a lily of the field* at the end of last year.  It now toileth not, neither doth it spin.  We've finally managed to get everything dry from that lot.  We've had the Repair Guy out - who reckons it's a combo of anno domini (we bought the machine new in 2004), limescale build up and the bearings on the drum gone.

Now H is having a look, because some of the 'limescale build up' Repair Guy fished out turned out to be fragments of the soap dispenser which crumbled some years back.  Heck, one of them even had the flower 'put fabric conditioner in here' sign on it!  So we'll see.  I just wish H wouldn't keep leaving the kitchen door open in the process!

As it's Tuesdaaay (stop reading now, S, Dad's already sent you your Tuesday joke) have something to laugh about, there's precious little around otherwise, it would seem.  Totally unapologetically:-

Borrow money from pessimits - they don't expect it back.

What happened when the cat swallowed a coin?    There was money in the kitty.

Why is a cat like a penny?    It has a head on one side and a tail on the other.

Why was the snowman rummaging in a bag of carrots?    He was picking his nose.

Nurse: How's the boy who swallowed a pound coin?    Doctor: No change yet.

There are three kinds of people.    Those who can count and those who cannot.

I'm off to do some more knitting, it's about the one form of stress-relief I have left.  Plus I've a deadline for these socks.

Y'all have a good day now!

*Matthew chapter 6 verse 28 (the Bible)

casualties, government, war, ww1, spanish flu, ww2, infection, covid-19

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