
Dec 19, 2020 12:12

There was much joy and rejoicing as the first people were vaccinated against Covid-19 in the UK this week.  A light at the end of the tunnel!  Woohoo!  'Normal life' can be resumed!

Except it won't be, until at least 70% of the population has been vaccinated.  And that won't be until maybe 2023, because logistics*.

And then there are those who, for whatever reasons, are FED UP with Restrictions.

"It's Christmas, Dammit!"  Seems to be their reaction, "we are going to ENJOY it!"  Really meaning that they are going to do what they want to do, as and when and where . . .  Like the virus is taking the next three weeks off too!

The Government made adjustments to the Tiers this week.  Portsmouth is now in Tier 3, we're glad we went out Thursday (and not just cos that was a dry day.)

We're back to -
    i) only Essential Shops being open.  Please go, get your foodstuffs, and get out again ASAP.  Do NOT stand around in groups in supermarket aisles catching up with friends and family, even if you are wearing masks (if you are wearing masks, and you should be, to protect yourself as well as everyone else!)  If nothing else, you get in the way of other shoppers!

ii) Cafes/Restaurants/Bars shut, or doing takeaways only.  That'll be ok for a quick coffee this morning (if you're well wrapped up) this afternoon is forecast for Yet More Rain!

iii) only meeting in groups of up to six, Socially Distanced, outdoors.  And generally Being Responsible and Careful.

Hmmmm.  *Thinks: Lead Balloons?*

No matter how many of us are Responsible, Careful, Caring, Wear Masks, stay home most of the time, and have postponed any Family and Friends get-togethers until, maybe, next Christmas, it only takes a few doing what they want, when and as they want, and infection rates will soar again.  As will death rates.  We could easily be up to 70,000 Covid-related deaths before the end of 2020.  That's in 12 days time.

There are still some who think that Covid-19 is but a plot by the Government to gain yet further control over our lives and restrict us.  That getting infected is 'no worse than flu'.  Ahem, nearly 70,000 families would beg to differ over that.  As would the friends and families of people who recovered, and the 'recoverers' themselves.  Particularly those who are now left with 'Long Covid' - which is also a Real Thing.

And then there're the Vaccines - rolled out to great rejoicing this week.  To those most 'at risk'.  Which is great.

But will people actually accept the anti-Covid vaccine?  There may be those for whom it isn't suitable, or who will have an allergic reaction.  That's why those who are being vaccinated are being kept at the vaccination centres for 15 min so they can be monitored.  All Socially Distanced of course.  But it won't half slow the process.

I got my anti-flu jab last Saturday.  Turn up at the GP practise slightly ahead of time, register, 'go stand in that queue, on one of the 'spots' (all Socially Distanced - our GP practise has been very good at this.  You still can't get to see an actual Doctor though!)

Go through to doorway of specified injection room, bare left shoulder, check you're who they think you are, quick (utterly painless) jab, and out again via this door well away from everyone else.  Off to Tesco for coffee!

Then there are the people who, for whatever reason, have doubts about vaccination.  Given the rapid rise in measles recently,  due to people not wanting their children vaccinated against it . . .  And measles can be a killer, or leave people severely disabled (though described as a 'childhood illness'.)

There are people who won't get vaccinated because they have genuine medical doubts.  There are people who are just plain scared (though I find the thought of Covid much more scary.)  There are those who've been spending too much time on Social Media, and maybe no longer know the difference between fact and fiction.  There are those who've been told that any form of vaccine is a plot by Bill Gates/Western Governments/Insert Name Here to insert microchips to control, or somehow sterilise them.  There are those who say that God will protect them from every disease and infection - which He well might, and maybe by providing a Vaccine!  You may well have heard other reasons, Dear Reader.

The thing is, for a vaccine to work, at least 70% of any population have to be vaccinated.  At present around 50-60% of the UK population say that they will take up the offer.  Oh boy!  And here it's FREE, both doses, because we have Socialised Medicine, our beloved NHS.

Then there is the whole Worldwide uptake - re-read anti-Vac ideas above, then add in distance, far-flung population groups, already inadequate medical care provision, poverty, greed, ignorance, unbelief, war, fighting, civil disruption, lack of roads, lack of cold-storage facilities (a problem with other vaccine distribution), etc, etc.

So, even if the Western World can roll out anti-Covid vaccination programme which is efficiently and effectively administered.  And if most of us take up that vaccine.  We are still going to have to Be Careful for many years, or make a Real Effort to ensure that the rest of the world gets vaccinated efficiently and effectively as well.

Especially those in countries who can't afford the £4-15 that each dose will cost - which will include the USA, and other countries who charge for medicines.  As well as those currently stuck in shanty towns, refugee camps, or little villages off grid and miles out 'in the middle of nowhere'.

Thing is, we've done it for Smallpox.  It is possible.  What it needs is the Will, most of all, the Political Will.  And sense.

Pray for those in authority!  Pray for Influencers everywhere - in Government, in Social Media, in Religious Groups,  . . .

Y'all have a good and thoughtful day now!  Happy Christmas - however you decide to celebrate!

*Logistics - having the ability to think things through clearly, with sufficient input to come up with a plan that will actually work, as efficiently and as quickly as possible.  Given the shambolic nature of Government reactions, policies, etc this year, what are the chances of that happening.  Pray for those in Government, they need it!

reasons, logistics, covid, government, vaccination, restrictions, anti-vacs

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