It seems as if I've been playing "Fridge Tetris" since about this time last year.
You know Tetris? The computer game where oddly shaped pieces are dropped into a 'tube' and you have to orient them so that they pack most efficiently - tesselating to Russian folk tunes. I think maybe patchworkers might be good at this one!
Sorry if that's not such a good description, Dear Reader (go Google?) That's based on what H has told me, I've not actually played the game myself. (Too many other things to do, including trying to fit things into the fridge.)
H is very good to me**. Since he retired, he's taken on the major shop each week. It started back in Lockdown Mk 1, when there were Major Queues to get into the local supermarket (and you couldn't book a delivery slot for love or money.) I can't stand for prolonged periods. H had a heart attack 4 years ago, but he volunteered to do the shopping - if I provided a list. I've been with him a few times since; the bill is usually higher, so he prefers me not to go with him! We raid the local fruit and veg market together, he hauls the loaded shopping trolly back home, I catch the bus (I don't walk so well these days either!)
I think the only Christmas-related item on the shopping list today was 'rough-textured oatcakes'. All the same, we are now playing Storecupboard Tetris too***. Maybe it's time I got down into that cupboard and had a proper clear out. Oh dear.
But not yet. Now it's time to go raid the market. Then we can play fruit & veg Tetris too!
Y'all have a good day now!
*In space. The Time thing has yet to be sorted!
**Psalm 16:6
***I give Thanks, we have plenty of food. Too many even in this country are dependant upon Foodbanks. Worldwide . . . they starve.