(no subject)

Feb 25, 2020 12:52

Where has the time gone?  It seemed as if January was dull, grey, wet and interminable.  Even with Chinese New Year part way.  Suddenly it's the end of February (almost), we've survived two named storms, we haven't been flooded (though too many have,)  it's rained a lot more, I've still managed to get the washing dried (mostly) outdoors (some out now, some waiting to go out,) it's been Far Too Warm for February, and it's Pancake Day - originally known as Shrove Tuesday (go look it up, Dear Reader.)

At risk of sounding like a language exercise, besides washing, in my garden we have the Winter Jasmine just about over, the Skimmia has a few white flowers, the daffodils are now coming out, the crocuses are out - some going over, there are a couple of muscari (grape hyacinths) in bloom, the maroon hellebore is doing really well (helped, no doubt, by regular inspections and squashing of greenfly and baby snails,) the white hellebore has yet to do more than put forth a few small leaves (also inspected regularly - in weather like this you have to give the plants all the help you can,) the climbing rose is putting out shoots which get inspected too, and I found and evicted a large snail this morning.

As Lent starts tomorrow, I shall be 'off air' until Easter.  I spend far too much time online anyhow.  This will cut down on some of it.

See you after Easter, Dear Reader.  Y'all have a productive Lent now!

spring flowers, garden, aphids, washing, snails, lent

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