This Entry Was Brought to You by Scala Radio and the Letter F (for FUN!)

Jan 14, 2020 11:49

I've been listening to Scala Radio since about May, when H mentioned it to me.  Apparently it started up, a new (mostly) Classical Music radio station on DAB digital radio, back in early May/late April.

Back then reception was a bit dodgy and programmes sounded as if they were being broadcast from the bottom of a river!  Things have since improved, though I find I still need to get the radio up as high as possible - on the shelf by this computer, on top of the unit by my chair in the front room, though it does work on the small windowsill in the kitchen.

Anyhew, to the point of all this - yes, Dear Reader, there is one.  Scala Radio's definition of Classical Music is pretty catholic, if not downright eclectic.  Much to people's enjoyment they've played Madness's version of Tchaikovsky's Dance of the Cygnets, and, thanks to listeners who have made their own MP3 files and sent them in, vintage Muppets.

Last Wednesday Simon Mayo played Lydia the Tattooed Lady, as sung by Kermit the Frog

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- to great acclaim from listeners.

"More Muppets!"  We cried in delight.

Some of us (not me) also pointed out that Lydia had had her first showbiz outing sung by Groucho Marx in the film 'At The Circus', which Simon promptly played - just the audio.

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This was also much appreciated.

Listeners mentioned various other Muppet songs.  Simon said that maybe the Scala weekly Muppet Quota had been reached.

But then, maybe not, and proceeded to play a 'cultural' duet

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between piano-playing dog Rowlf and Sam the Eagle.

Ah yes.  Memories of the days when The Muppet Show was on a Thursday evening, which also happened to be the evening for S and D's keyboard lessons.  These happened every week, on a Thursday.  We knew that.  Occasionally the tutor, a good friend, would arrive a tad early and we'd have to quickly turn off the end credits of The Muppet Show and bail out.  Happy days.

The memory of Sam's expressions has kept me smiling through raiding the market Friday, Saturday (the meanwhile spending HOURS sorting out Home and Contents Insurance, but maybe that's another entry.  Suffice it to say that it pays to shop around each year.  Customer loyalty will be given when various providers start showing some Loyalty to longer term customers, rather than charging them more than twice the price they're offering to attract new customers.  It's a pain, but well worth the over £200 saving!)  And on through a somewhat difficult next few days.

There have been misunderstandings, upsets, a couple of sleepless nights (mainly cos I went up to bed that bit, or lot, too late) and Storm Brendan, followed by Yet More Wind!

I checked the forecast yesterday, twice.  Consequently after Pilates and coffee, I came home, changed and went out.  Yesterday morning it was dry.  Today it isn't.  Tuesdays are usually my 'day out', but not when it's chucking it.  Besides which, I didn't sleep that well last night because H has brought home some Man Flu - he's now well on the way to recovery, but still sniffing.  Aaaarrrggh!  This badly interfered with my sleeping, so I'm taking it easy today.  The Dyson, and the dust, can have a bit of a rest, I'll go after it tomorrow - if I feel up to it then!

Bus to Gunwharf, quick walk through, though got a couple of soaps in Body Shop.  Round to Old Portsmouth and Manna tea shop for a wonderful Butternut Squash and Lentil soup followed by some excellent Carrot Cake.  I recommend Manna to anyone in that part of Portsmouth.

Then on across the Common in the wind and the start of drizzle, then rain, from Brendan (where's the bus when you need one?)  Actually the rain wasn't that hard, my trousers remained dry.  I picked up a few bits in Wild Thyme (local wholefood/Vegan shop) then decided that, as the shopping was heavy and it was still raining, home would be a good direction to head.  The buses came then.  Yay!

En route I had a power nap and planned tea, this is what you can do when you've 45 years experience of meal planning (and know what's in the kitchen!)  We had a Chili-non-Carne, made with Quorn mince, on some of the red cabbage and apple and carrots left over from Sunday dinner.  It was nice - H said so!

*Knock at the Front Door*  Ooh look!  It's Anne-Laure's cadeau de Noël.  M'çi bien, Cherie.  'Scuse me while I go open it.

Y'all have a good day now!

storm brendan, weekend, insurance, scala radio, muppets, groucho marx, lydia the tattooed lady, tit willow

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