Independence/In Dependence

Jul 04, 2019 11:03

Happy 4th July, Dear Reader.  Or for American Readers (*waves to Missy*) Happy July 4th!

I heard King George III's song from the show 'Hamilton' yesterday.  The one which basically tells the revolting States of America that they'll be back (into the British Empire.)  Tee Hee!  It contained the line, 'And to show how much I love you, I'm sending a battalion'.  Some things don't change!

And for us, it's In Dependence day.  Thirty-eight years ago (gosh, where did the time go?) H and I got married.  "In Dependence upon God".  Thirty-eight years - two children, deaths of three parents, multiple Depressions (the Sectionable ones mine), a heart attack (H's), and quite a bit of life - later we're still together.  And that's definitely got a lot to do with Almighty God.

Yesterday H came home with red roses for me.  What's more, they're attached to a red rose bush.  A minature one.  Thnx H.  So that's in pride of place in the front room at present.  I'll have to research proper care and decide where it's going to spend the rest of its days.

I'm tossing up whether to give H the washing up accumulated since Sunday, done, as a wedding anniversary present.  H really hates doing the washing up (hence it gets done twice a week.  I'm not complaining, I don't have to do it, I do all the cooking!)  But he does do it.  Thnx H.

Meanwhile, as the organic veg box has been delivered, (Oh Noes!  Broad Beans!  Again!  I thought I'd changed the order to a box which wouldn't contain them!  We both loathe broad beans*)  It's now time to go raid the market for non-Organic fruit etc.

Y'all have a good day now!

*I managed to find a recipe, Habas con Jamón, which also used some of the pancetta H's company had given us in their annual Christmas Box.  It was quite nice and, most importantly, didn't taste of broad beans.

Dad used to grow broad beans in the garden during my childhood and teenage years.  We were brought up to eat what was on our plates (though Sis tried to avoid it sometimes.)  I haven't  served, let alone bought, broad beans in all the years since I left home for University aged 19.  And I do occasionally serve Brussels Sprouts, the occasion usually being Christmas Dinner!

in dependence, wedding anniversary, independence day, broad beans, marriage

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