Wayhay it's Monday!

Apr 24, 2006 07:48

Monday - w00t!

& if yr wondering "WTH is she saying w00t abt Monday?" you obviously didn't pay attention to my series of "Look on the Bright Side" blogs.  Suggest you go back a week, or two, & re-read.  If you have the time.

It's precisely because of the mayhem that I'm staying home this morning.  Usually I'd be finishing this around 8, then getting ready & heading off to Petersfield for the morning craft session of the Embroiderers' Guild meeting.  Did a nice piece of canvaswork as a result of the last one.   But no, housework calls*.  Like the pattern on the carpets is really bits of paper & dust etc.  & as for the dust around elsewhere - hmmm, I'm allergic to housedust.  Oh well, take an anti-histamine first I suppose.**  Dyson here we come.

*That & the List of "Things to Take" included a sewing machine.  No thanks, I'll just look at what the others have done with their teabags & try to work out how to do it myself!

**Now there's an 'Adult' response for you.   I'm considering re-defining 'Adult" as these days it tends to be used to mean "something with fairly explicit sex scenes".  That isn't 'Adult'!  That's 'behind the bike sheds' adolescents, or even pre-adolescents.  No wonder there are so few real men, or women, around!

My definition of 'Adult'?  "One who knows what responsibility is & is prepared to take it for themselves, their actions & the consequences thereof (no 'Blame Culture' here), and for others."  Hmmm, do  I really qualify?  S'pose after nearly 25 years of marriage & two now "grown & flown" children I might, just occasionally.  Specially if I do do the housework this morning.  It's damp out though so the washing can wait, as can the kitchen floor (sorry H), both will dry better another day.

Meanwhile, cos it's damp out the snails have been emerging.  Actually they've been all over the place for a couple of weeks now.  Particularly when I find them, they're all over the wall into the road!  Found three or four in the kitchen windowsill window box (that's the upper one in the pic), two were even climbing the kitchen window - we only had the window cleaner in last week!

One for
meghanrox - The RSC is having a year long Shakespeare Festival in Stratford-on-Avon this year.  Starting yesterday they are aiming to produce all his plays, poems etc over the year - & have three theatres/venues to make sure everyone can get to see something.  So there you are.  If you're in the vicinity of Stratford-on-Avon this year - go view.   H says that he never really liked Shakespeare as  done in Secondary School English classes.  However he does like done as Will intended - plays.   Me?  I quite enjoy it either way, & the poetry.   Tip - if you have difficulty reading the Bard, try reading aloud.  Most of it was written for performance after all.  & something you may not have known - apparently actors who do a lot of Shakespeare develope a "Shakespearian Chest".   All those rolling phrases develope the old breathing muscles in a recognisable way!   Recognisable to costume makers & tailors to members of the RSC anyhow!

Various people, 40,000 of them (!!!!), ran in the London Marathon yesterday - apparently they even let some prisoners out of a Kent prison to participate (see links from Marathon site).  The weather was kind to them, it drizzled, was overcast & pleasantly cool for running.   Though I think those who costumed up might have preferred a few more degrees of frost!  I have a friend from University days who was a mad runner, she still does marathons, hill runs etc.  Me?  Gimme a bike, on the flat, any day.  & that's just for getting places!

*Yawns hugely.*  Ok, maybe a while in bed.  Then it's Dyson here we come!  Look out, the dust!

Y'all have a good day now!

"adult" - re-defined, housework, shakespeare, london

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