Good thing - I can eat grapefruit again*. Luscious, juicy, sweet red grapefruit. Hmm, maybe I'd better remember to mop the keyboard or H might complain about stickiness!
Good thing 2 - I got some new sewing-machine needles yesterday and some thread the right shade of red. Consequently the winter curtains for the Front Room (the only room we have curtains) are now hemmed to the correct length (for the first time in yeeeaaars) washed, dried and put away. Yay!
Good thing 3 - the second lot of washing is out drying and will probably be dry by the time the third lot is ready to go out. Yay Main Warm weather!
Good thing 4 - it's quiet outside this morning. I came home yesterday evening after my usual swim-and-walk-along-the-Front-plus-lunch-etc to find our road looking black, shiny and beautifully smooth with clear white markings. The resurfacing team have moved their noisy big lorries to another road. Double Yay!
And Best Thing of All - did you see the News last night? About
the wildfires near Athens? We'd heard only the previous week that D was spending a month volunteering at a refugee camp 'near Athens', so watched the News item in growing horror. We promptly emailed D asking if she was ok.
Then we went and did other things, praying the meanwhile, and trying not to fret. You think having small children is difficult?
An hour later came the reply (and I quote) "Im fine yeah. The fires werent that close." Relief all round, texts to family and friends who've been praying for her. Much praise to Almighty God.
Then a certain amount of 'survivor guilt. D is fine. So many people died, were injured, or have lost beloved family members.
And Finally, and not at all good. Shelter (the homelessness charity) reckons that
more than half of the families in 'temporary accommodation' are actually in work (or the parents are at least.)
What is more, they're 'working every hour they can'. And they still can't afford decent rooms/apartments/homes to rent or mortgages to buy their own places.
It comes to something when really hardworking people still can't afford homes for their families.
I've emailed the Prime Minister asking what she is going to do about this situation as the Government's present policy clearly isn't working. Unlike the parents of more than half the families in temporary accommodation.
After all, she has the Summer Recess (yesterday til October) to really think about the matter. Pity they'll all be bickering about Brexit.
Right. On that cheerful note, I'll go see how the washing is doing. And maybe have another grapefruit. They are just so luscious!
Y'all have a good day now! And remember, Wear Sunscreen!
*I've been on various anti-depressants for what seems like far too long. So this year, come the good weather and with the GP's agreement, I've been tapering off. Last dose last Sunday night. Reckon it should have cleared my system by now. Apparently grapefruit contain something which interacts with quite a lot of different medicines - including the last one I was on, and various heart and blood pressure drugs. I like grapefruit. Now I can indulge! Yay again!