Oh boy, they've gone and bombed Syria. Again.
Like the regime took so much notice the last time!
Yes, I know, you can't just let governments go round using chemical weapons. Particularly not against their own people; but also not against anyone. Although
the attack on Douma last week was only a 'suspected' chemical attack.
However the Assad regime in Syria is supported by Russia, and the UK has had enough 'diplomatic interaction' with Russia over the past month with the Salisbury Spy Attacks.
Not heard about that, Dear Reader? Go look it up. I realise that Russia gets very pissed off when their spys defect to the West and they want to get back at them. They did it before, and had radioactive Polonium across parts of London. Mind you, they killed that particular ex-spy. It looks as though Sergei Skripov is going to survive - as he's merely 'very ill' now and not in a 'dangerous coma'.
His daughter, Julia, over here visiting her defected Dad, is also making a good recovery. She was discharged from Salisbury Hospital earlier this week, then promptly vanished. Possibly for her own protection.
However relations between Britain and Russia are pretty grim at present. There have been accusations, counter-accusations, tit-for-tat expulsions of diplomats and all sorts.
What hasn't helped is that our beloved Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson (aka 'Ol' Foot-in-Mouth',) has been saying that the nerve agent used in the Salisbury Spy Attack, was definitely 'made in Russia' so it had to be an officially sanctioned Russian attack.
Yerse, well. All that scientists looking into the nerve agent could say was, 'the nerve agent is of a kind made in Russia, but we cannot say that this batch definitely came from Russia.'
Strikes me that our Boris needs to learn a little diplomacy, not to mention accuracy. Mind you, he's a politician, and you know how they like 'spin'. All the same, whoever put Johnson in the Foreign Office . . . Tallk about 'loose cannon'!
And now, having expressed severe concern to the Syrian regime about the second chemical attack made on their own citizens, the UK, US and France have gone and bombed specific targets in Syria. Like that might make Assad sit up and take notice and, maybe, not do it again. Aaaarrrggh!
So who's looking to be remembered (one imagines terrifically briefly) for starting World War 3?
Meanwhile today is the day of the Grand National horse race at Aintree. This year
there are three women jockeys, out of a field of around thirty runners (sorry, couldn't find the actual number, they keep pulling horses out and entering new ones!) So if one of them comes in first it will be a First for female jockeys. Also the various betting establisments will be paying out hansomely, because they odds against any of them are pretty heavy. Apparently the going is 'soft' (cos it's been raining, for weeks, and months.)
Pardon? Will I be watching? No. Today is sunny. H and I are going out. I'll tell you about it later, maybe.
Meanwhile, pending Syrian (and Russian) reactions, perhaps we should all get out, enjoy the sunshine, and be nice to each other.
Y'all have a good day now!