A Couple of Things

Dec 30, 2017 10:43

First, from way before Flashmobs, Victoria Wood's favourite YouTube clip (the first four minutes or so)

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from way back in 1987 (I have children older than that.)  Get the fashions!

Fed up with all the Seasonal Excesses?  I weighed in Thursday morning.  Plus 2 1/2lbs.  Oh dear!  Hide what's left of the Christmas chocolate and stock up on fruit and veg.  Thank goodness the market will be back in business next week - though I don't begrudge them their week off at all.

And, more seriously, a few reasons why the UK Government needs to update its definition of 'family members' when it comes to people applying to bring others to this country.  Watch the clip, please, before you form an opinon.

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  Do watch the clip.  Particularly if you've heard that people are just coming to this country (or yours) because they want council houses and to live on State Benefits.

a) Too many council houses have been sold off so there aren't enough available.

b) State Benefits - from this Government?  Honestly, most of the time the Benefit Assessments seem to be designed to ensure that a person doesn't qualify.  Even when they really ought to.

c) Very few people leave their own countries, communities and families unless they absolutely have to; because there's a war, or because there is no way of making a living (or even a bare subsistence), or because ethnic cleansing, or because climate change means they are flooded out/can no longer grow enough food because drought, or because their land has been sold from under them to be mined/plantations/whatever.

Most people would happily stay in their own countries, in their own communities, with their own families if they could afford to do so.  If there was peace.  If they could feed their families.  If they and their families were safe.  If they had access to safe water, healthcare, education, sanitation, electricity . . .

You know, the kind of 'basics' we take for granted. Before we start on our 'requirements' of a car and decent roads to drive on, 4 or 5G coverage, superfast broadband, shops open when we want them to be, stocking goods from all over . . .

'K, nuff!  It's a nice day.  The sun is shining.  It's pretty windy (named storm on way for north of UK.)  We're off out.

Y'all have a good day now!  And a Happy New Year!

flashmob, refugees, treating people fairly, asylum seekers, treating people as people

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