Friday Fricassee

May 26, 2017 12:32

Oh look, the leaks to the US continue.  Monday/Tuesday somehow someone leaked information about the suicide bomber to some website in the US, thus warning his family that they were being searched for.

Now the Manchester Police Force has stopped sharing information with the US after more pictures have been leaked and published, in the New York Times of all places.  What price Journalistic and Editorial responsibility?

'Getting a scoop' is all very well.  Gotta show everything to the prurient after all!  But to publish details about a known police suspect; to publish pictures which may well contain more information useful to the police in their investigations . . .  I can just hear the screams if a British paper had published such things in the event of a bomb going off in an American city!

Meanwhile the G7 leaders are meeting for talks in Italy, starting today.  That's the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy, the UK and the USA.

One thing they promised to do a while back was to release, at this meeting, an 'accountability report' on education.  An update on how muc progress they've made towards getting every child into school over the past twelve years.

Only now they're saying they may not publish the report, and hiding the fact under 'concerns about terrorism' after the Manchester bombing on Monday night.

This means that those working for the education of every child worldwide, particularly of girls, now have no way of checking on progress.  Or the lack thereof.

Should you wish to add your voice to the general protest about this, Dear Reader, click here.  And yes, I realise the leaders are probably lining up for publicity shots and going in for a super Italian lunch around now!  I've been busy recently.

Meanwhile we've been promised wall-to-wall sunshine and temperatures of around 24°C today.  Fortunately there is also a breeze. London has been promised temperatures of 28°C, which will doubtless please the tropical plants on show at Chelsea.  I'm glad I'm not in London today, Tuesday was plenty warm enough for me.

So I'm drying the washing while the sun shines, including the blue cardigan which didn't get lost at the Science Museum, and blocking Bigger On the Inside.

Off to pin that out.  Y'all have a good day.

g7, too hot, bombing, terrorism, education

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