H is a bit of a hoarder. Ok, he's quite a lot of a hoarder. I'm a bit of a hoarder. Occasionally I throw things*!
Anyhew, at H's place of work they occasionally throw things too. People who think, 'Oooh, there's a lot of life left in that and I could really make good use of it' get in line (officially) and 'catch' things on their way to the skip. We've done quite well out of this - the clock in the front room and a set of scales which measures in 1g increments (my other scales weigh in 20g increments.) Other things turn up because H thinks they might come in useful.
Remember I told you, last entry, about how our TV screen was all odd colours? H looked into his box of 'rescued bits', came up with a black cylinder with switch, wire and plug (note my command of technical terms!) and plugged it in. It went buzzzzzzzz! Then he went into the front room and promptly degaussed the TV screen with it. Yay! It's good having an engineer on the premises!
Meanwhile the majority of French voters have shown sense and elected a totally non-politician young man named like a fancy cake! Well, given the alternative . . . I wonder if Patisseries will start selling Macron macarons?
Apparently he's the youngest leader France has had since Napoleon (the first.) Bonne Chance to him!
In my quest for a lighter weight cardigan, cos it's actually getting warmer now, not that you'd think so to look at it, but it is early May, I noticed that
Wool Warehouse has a sale on Drops wool yarns.
'Goody' I thought, and ordered a cotton/merino (50/50) yarn in what looked like (on the monitor) a light turquoise/aqua colour, which I thought might look good.
When it arrived it turned out to be a really dark turquoise colour, which I recognised as the exact yarn from which I'd knitted a cardigan a couple of years back. There's plenty of life in that yet, so I'm seeing whether
a) Niece is interested in a turquoise jumper/cardi or
b) I can swap it for something I do want.
I suppose the moral is not to believe the colours shown on your monitor, even if it hasn't had a run-in with a magnet and they're all over the place!
Y'all have a good day now!
*That's 'throw things' as in 'throw things out' rather than chuck them around in fits of pique.