The Prime Minister got her majority. There will be a general election on Thursday, 8th June.
Poo! I tend to agree with
Brenda, and not just cos she, too, is from Bristol.
There are those who reckon that this is a canny move on the part of the PM. People had been complaining she was 'unelected'. If she wins, they won't be able to say that any more. It's also reckoned that if she wins she may well be in a stronger position over the Brexit negotiations, but that remains to be seen.
Then there is the problem of the Opposition. The main problem being that there isn't one.
Many people throughout the country like Jeremy Corbyn (Labour party leader) and his 'Old Labour' style policies. They even joined the Labour party to vote for him. The trouble is that the parliamentary Labour party, ie: Labour MPs, are a right shambles. Some are pro-Corbyn, some actively and vociferously anti-Corbyn, others seem to be doing their own thing. Too many of them appear to have very few links with what used to be called the Working Class, as their predecessors did. What they are not showing as is a creditable alternative to the Tory party. Just a bunch of squabblers. Shame on them!
The Lib-Dems, having done so well in the last-but-one election, now have few MPs and appear to be back in their usual position as the third-and-somewhat-hopeless party.
As for UKIP - their one MP defected to the Conservatives the other week. They'll probably be pushing the "Out of Europe. No-one tells the UK what to do. Control immigration (deport the lot)" policies which have proved so effective (and so divisive) before. As the UK has now triggered Article 50 (setting out on the process of leaving the EU) their main raison d'être has gone. However I reckon "good ol' Nige" will be wheeled out, grinning, pint in hand, to put forward their (old) new policies.
There will be other parties available, including, in some areas, the Monster Raving Looney Party - which isn't the same as UKIP!
I suppose the Conservatives could lose the election, they have had two 'terms' after all. Maybe the electorate is looking for a change?
If Theresa May loses the election, her days as party leader may well be numbered. Time to bring Big Boris Johnson back from the Foreign Office and set him up for leadership? Time and again various politicians have demonstrated that what they're really concerned about is not the future of the nation but their position within their party. Hmmm. I shall keep praying.
I shall now go raid the market. Y'all have a good day now!