The UK is working out how to leave the European Union. The other member states of the EU are working out what this might involve from their point of view:- pay all the UK owes, pay a fine for leaving? What sort of trade agreements should there be? Should there be at least some sort of 'free movement' of people (Remember those who said that coming out of the EU would mean fewer immigrants? They were either sadly misled or lying!)
In Scotland many people voted to remain in the EU. Scotland has always had more links with the Continent, particularly France, than England has. The Leader of the Scottish parliament, Nicola Sturgeon, has threatened that on the day England finally decides on the terms for leaving she will call another referendum on whether Scotland should leave the UK. So much for 'Once in a lifetime'! There is even talk of Scotland rejoining the EU independently when the UK leaves.
someone has suggested that Scotland could become part of Canada. Goodness only knows there are enough Canadians of Scots descent, and not only in Nova Scotia. Do have a look, Dear Reader. I think it's sufficiently past Ist April for it to be an at least semi-serious suggestion.
a DJ in Tunisia played a dance remix of the Muslim call to prayer at a nightclub. He didn't intend to offend anyone, he said when he later apologised - having fled the country before the Tunisian courts sentenced him to prison.
Srsly, Dear Reader, I realise people are ignorant these days and caught up in their own 'bubbles', but to do a dance remix of the Muslim call to prayer, and then play it in an Islamic country? Is he really that much of a twit?
I don't know. Ok, time's up. I'm off to raid the market. In the sunshine no less.
Y'all have a good day now.