On Being Prepared*

Nov 18, 2016 11:57

The forecast was for rain on and off this morning, then better this afternoon.  So I put the washing on anyway (w00t for the dehumidifier) and decided to wait it out.  It hasn't rained yet, and it doesn't look too much as if improvements are on the way.  No, sorry, the sun is trying to come through.  Maybe I should peg out and go.

Yesterday afternoon I had the first round of reparative dentistry; two small fillings and an extraction.  Just as well as the filling in that tooth came out while we were in Swansea and the remaining shell of the tooth wasn't up to much apart from holding on to food fragments.

So I wrassled the king-sized winter duvet and a spare double duvet into big plastic bags, sealed them then applied the 'schnozzle' of the Dyson and sucked out the air.  This made them a little less unwieldy for transporting.  w00t for taxies.

I'd left in plenty of time to get the duvets to the Dry Cleaner's and visit the nearby Whole Food shop before getting to the dentist around twenty minutes early.  w00t for having taken the current plain vanilla sock project!

It wasn't so bad.  We (Dentist, assistant and me) all agreed that we could think of things we'd rather be doing, but I reckoned I'd still rather be there than doing housework!

It was soup for tea last night, Borsch (?spelling?), the Crank's recipe.  I 'hurried it along' by cooking it in the pressure cooker.  "Liquidise, then add grated nutmeg to taste," said the recipe.  Those who've grated nutmeg will see where this is going.  I grated the nutmeg successfully, carefully not grating my fingers or fingernails (don't reckon blue nail varnish would have added to the soup).  Then, as I finished, the nutmeg leapt from my grasp and into the purple depths of the soup.

Fortunately by now it was liquidised and the errant nutmeg came to light as I dished up.  Or maybe that should have been 'mugged up' - it was easier to serve the soup in mugs.  I duly rinsed off the nutmeg, left it to dry, then potted it up (in a pot labelled 'Nutmeg', what else.)  The soup was nice and there's more for today.

"Dose yourself with paracetamol," advised the Dentist.  "Preferably before the painkilling injection wears off."  Natch.  I did anyway.  Must remember to get some more paracetamol when I do go out.

So the gap where what was left of the tooth is still a tad tender, but that's only to be expected.  It didn't interfere with my sleeping.

Yup, the sun is definitely out.  Better go raid the market while the sun shines.

Y'all have a good day now!

*I used to be a Girl Guide - motto 'Be Prepared'.  Give me sufficient time to think things through and I do 'Prepared'.  I am also a Mummy, and 'Prepared' certainly helps there.  That's why I had a bigger bag folded up in my shoulder bag, which came in very useful for the Whole Food purchases. I even put it back afterwards!


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