
Sep 23, 2016 11:15

There now, Yahoo was hacked back in July last year by 'state sponsored' hackers.  They finally admitted the fact this August, but have only now gotten around to admitting that the breach was a whole lot bigger than they'd first thought.
  1. Should you have accounts with Yahoo, Dear Reader, go change all your passwords.  I mean, that was the second thing you did when Yahoo admitted trouble back in August, wasn't it?  The first thing was probably to think, 'Yahoo?  Dur?'
  2. Was my data part of the hack(s)?
  3. Why have they only admitted breaches so long after they'd happened
  4. Why didn't Yahoo have some decent protection in place?  Yes, I know, any kind of protection will only stand up for so long against determined hackers but . . .
  5. What kind of protections have/are they putting in place now?  And will they be updating it regularly?
  6. Should I be looking for another server?  And
  7. Are other servers any better?
  8. Which 'state' is this 'sponsoring' the hacking?
  9. Ooh look, Google is setting up Deep Mind - a storage of patient data.  How secure is that?
  10. Etc ? ? ?
A security expert discusses what to do and quite how severe this breach might be.  'Change your password, and change it to a good one' - 'good' being one which has a lot of different alphanumerics and symbols and isn't obvious to guess.  Then, If you're anything like me, you'd better write it down somewhere and keep the piece of paper safe and away from your online devices.  Do not, please, keep your 'secure' password on your onlne device - either stored in the memory or written on the outside.  That is just silly!

* * *
  I don't know.  While raiding the market yesterday I noticed two people busking and two obviously homeless in doorways.  One was taking advantage of the 'safety' the daylight hours and people being around to get their head down and catch up on some sleep.   Presumbably they'd discovered that if they tried sleeping at night the police might move them on, or some booze-fuelled yobs might attack them.  Or maybe, now that September's almost over, it's getting too cold at night to sleep?  Whatever the reason, it's not right.

We are one of the richest countries in the world.  Yet homeless people sleep on the streets and the government continues to maintain the lie that we 'don't have the money' to look after people.  'Cuts must be made' in public services.  Again and again.

Maybe things are different now under Prime Minister May.  I look forward to hearing Philip Hammond's Autumn Budget.  Will he 'be able' to 'find' money for things like the NHS?  Will he dare raise taxes to provide such funding?  Or will he maintain the lie?  Heigh ho!

And yes, I realise that just throwing money at various problems isn't the answer.  However funding services adequately does help!

* * *
  Meanwhile the fragile truce in Syria has been well and truly broken with fighting in and around Aleppo continuing.  As ever, it is the ordinary people still left/trapped in Aleppo who are suffering the most.  Aid still isn't really getting through.

What also doesn't help is that America and Russia still seem to be fighting each other by proxy.  I suppose it's better, on a global scale, than them actually fighting each other, because that would mean it would only a matter of time before some eejit pushed the Nuclear Bomb button.  But it's no comfort at all to those stuck in Aleppo, or refugees around the world.

* * *
  And Finally - the Ig Nobel Prizes for this year have been awarded; one to a man who spent three days living as a goat.

Which reminds me, what do you call a striped goat?

Baa Humbug!

Y'all have a good day now!

syria, security, homelessness, computer safety (hah!), war, ig nobel prizes

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