A study has been done. Apparently
half of the mysogynistic posts on Twitter are from women! Some woman posts a picture of herself/home/cooking/whatever, and there are (far too many) other women 'out there' who feel a need to badmouth her and her achievements. Would some of them benefit from 'therapy'? Or is that just me (a woman) attacking them (women who attack other women)?
It's the same in the US, the coming presidential elections. Hilary Clinton could be the first female American President. But there are a lot of women voters who just won't vote for her. They don't like her, for whatever reason, not just because she's the Democrat candidate.
What with Trump tapping into the frustration of those who've felt ignored by politicians and these women - you can see how he might end up in the Oval Office.
It was the same through the nineteenth century - many women reckoned that a woman's place was making a home for her husband and family, or looking after her aging parents. Those women didn't want the vote. It wasn't just Male Chauvanism that the Suffragists and Suffragettes were fighting! (We covered that in History classes - so long ago that that period is now covered in History classes!)
Women worked hard to get equal wages during the sixties and seventies (that's 1960s & 1970s), among other 'rights'. These days Feminism is often viewed as a Bad Thing. Oh, women are happy enough to have jobs, many even have careers. Still some are just thankful that they can earn enough to help out with family expenses. But this habit we have of attacking each other online (or in Real Life) isn't helping anyone.
Honestly girls, we're never going to achieve anything if we keep attacking each other. Certainly not political leadership. We've already had a female Prime Minister, Margaret Thatcher. I think the experience rather put the country off the whole idea!
Angela Merkel seems to be doing a good job in Germany. Maybe she'll leave better memories.
But women attacking other women, it's not going to help us progress. There's a parallel.
The Labour Party has been a shambles since Blair. Mind you, Blair and his policies were often to the political Right of any policy touted by the then Conservatives!
Since Blair the Labour Party has wobbled between New Labour (Conservatism Lite) and Traditional Labour (much more Socialist outlook). I don't know whether it's the way the news media have reported matters, but various groups appear to have formed, all of whom are so busy attacking other groups within the party that they appear to have forgotten who the real 'enemy' is and have rendered the Labour Party unelectable. For years and years.
Even now, under Traditionalist Jeremy Corbyn, there are whole swathes of the parliamentary party who are dead agin him and work covertly and openly against him. Thus there is seen to be no electable alternative to the Conservatives, and we need one.
So come on, guys and gals, get your collective acts together. Otherwise we'll continue to bump along, squeezed and ignored by those who have. It's not an enticing prospect, is it, Dear Reader?
Y'all have a good day now!
*Because a lady would never troll someone, not even given complete secrecy.