May 18, 2016 12:05
Yesterday, with my various leg joints being stiffish, though not screaming as they were Monday night (they're feeling much better today, thank you for asking), I decided to stay at home. I pottered, I hobbled, I planted out some seedlings - particularly some form of leaf crop which, growing in a seed tray, had decided that it'd better go straight to seed. I nipped off the flower buds. The plants looked a bit floppy after they'd been planted. We'll see.
I also potted on a couple of chilli plants, I have four, just hope they'll grow now, and the tomato plants. Two of the tomato plants are back on the bedroom windowsill, the other two are out in the yard (in pots) getting blown about and rained on. I planted out a few French Bean plants (bush-type, not climbing), sowed a few different seeds 'in place' and 'de-aphided' the rose buds. I also took up the shears and hacked back some of the rampageous honeysuckle. Now all I have to do is bag up the offcuts. Hmmm, maybe I'll wait til it's drier.
As I mentioned, today is breezy and wet. Well, I suppose it would be after I've planted things out. I'm keeping the Morning Glories in the front room windowsill for now. They're getting long and trying to climb up the nets or escape the windowsill, but it's too cool outside (particularly today) for them. I wonder, if you nip out the growing tip of a Morning Glory seedling, does it make a bushier plant? Morning Glories like it warm. If it's too cool the leaves go pale and they refuse to grow, let alone flower. They'd have loved it over the weekend and Monday. That's British weather for you. I know we were getting all four seasons in one day back in late April. So far this week we've had Spring and Summer. Today looks more like Autumn.
I did have one of those metal-framed, plastic covered 'greenhouses' one year. It worked quite well, even though the tomatoes that year tried to grow too tall for it. Trouble was the back panel flapped so much in the wind that it flogged itself to tatters. I did see a replacement cover at the Garden Centre on Monday, but don't know how much of the metal framework has survived. It's buried under the rampageous honeysuckle. I'll get round to excavating it eventually. On a dry day!
Meanwhile the salad greens in the trough in the front room windowsill are more than ripe for another picking. Which is just as well as they'll be needed for tea tonight. They've been quite a good planting, even though the packet said they'd be ready for harvesting within three weeks of sowing - it was more like six weeks. I reckon they'll be good for another couple of weeks of harvesting too. Hmmm, maybe it's time to plant up a replacement trough.
Right, that's it for the nonce. Must go chase some dust. Y'all have a good day now!