Sep 02, 2015 13:22
This computer is less than ten years old, but that is almost ancient by computer standards. Pooh, it works, though increasingly slowly, and various websites which have pictures have an annoying tendency to come up with large areas of whitespace where pictures of most excellent knitwear should be. That and some sites when accessed come up with a notice along the lines of "Your browser is not supported by this site" or words to that effect. It is time for an upgrade. This, I am informed, requires the making of back-ups - because you really don't want to lose everything you now have, do you? And a certain amount of technical jiggery-pokery.
Fortunately the WebMeister is off work this week. He ordered extra memory, 'delivered by first class mail', and has spent the morning on tenterhooks waiting for it to be delivered. It has just arrived - two large chips of it. Now all we're waiting for is the new OS. He ordered it on their website, then went back in to delete his credit card details. Customer data security? What's that? I mean, it's not so long ago that a certain well known Bank had customer data details up for all and sundry to see and hack!
There was a certain amount of muttering, along the lines of, 'I could have gone over to *certain city* in person and bought the new OS for less hassle!' Except he could only get half-way there on his season ticket, and would have had to pay for the other half of the trip. Yes, I suppose one could drive to central Southampton, but I wouldn't advise it. Yes, the A27 can be quicker than waiting for trains, but no way is getting into and around the centre of the city easy, or cheap for the parking. For that matter, getting out of this city, and back in again, can be a bit of a problem too. Let the mail take the strain!
So the next move will probably be to install the new memory somewhere - I'm informed that doing so requires more physical force than you would think necessary. Just hope that the expectation of 'more physical force than you would think' is engineered into the chips and that they will fit before they snap! Then a back-up of the whole present system will be made. And after that I leave all the techincal bits up to the WebMeister because that's one of his many areas of expertise. Maybe I'll make a cake to celebrate!
Aha, a knock at the door! Delivery. "Sign here, please." Cute picture on the front of the package. Are they actually doing anything to support the pictured animal? Doubt it. Shame!
'See this?' Indicates sticker on corner of package 'Neu Version **.*.3' Must be a different meaning of 'new' as well as a different spelling. Apparently the current iteration is **.*.6!
Ah well, now we have the proper equipment I suppose I'd better let him have at the machine.
Y'all have a good day now!
computer safety (hah!),