Blu-oo-oo-ue Moon

Jul 31, 2015 12:43

The astronomical features for tonight are the Southern Delta Aquarid meteor shower, best viewed between midnight and dawn, look towards the contellation of Aquarius, rate of ten to twenty meterors per hour.  The other will be a Blue Moon, as in "once in a blue moon."  This is a semi-technical term meaning that it is the second full moon in a month.  As the lunar cycle is around 28 days this is a fairly rare occurrence, hence the saying.  Do not, however, be expecting to see anything different.  The moonlight, and the full moon, will look much the same as any other.

While mentioning blue - I stayed up late Wednesday night and finished sewing my Petal cardigan together.  It fits.  It looks good.  I wore it yesterday, I'm wearing it now.  As I expected, the weather is forecast to warm up over the weekend.  Never mind, as H said, it'll get cooler again.  You may remember that while I was knitting the turquoise yarn (much darker, even after being washed) turned my fingers blue-ish, so I washed the cardigan.  I am pleased to report that if I am blue today it is not due to the cardigan.  Washing it removed the excess dye.

Then there is sex, that is often regarded as blue - blue films etc.  Mind you, there is sex and there is sex, like rape.  Rape seems to be almost a way of life for men in some countries.  Rape seems to be almost a way of life for some men in any country.

Rape.  Is.  Wrong.  Regardless.  Here is an article which covers the topic so much better than I could.  That could be said for any kind of rape - of women, of men, of children.  It's.  All.  Wrong.

And blue is the colour of the Conservative party.  It is also the colour we might all be going as they reduce incentives to go Green.  Subsidies for offshore wind farms have already been reduced.  Other forms of green energy generation are being cut back, or having research reduced.  Now the subsidies on hybrid cars are being removed.  Thus the incentive to buy hybrid cars - using fossil fuels or electricity, is lessened.  The pressure on the motor industry to produce hybrid cars, or develop even Greener cars is also reduced.

What the heck, there's oil in them thar shales, who needs Alternatives!  Or that seems to be the government line.  The fact that tney'll be reaping tax rewards from any shale oil exploitation probably has a lot to do with this.  What the government doesn't seem to have grasped is that something has to be done NOW.  Something definite to seriously reduce the amount of carbon dioxide we produce as a country.  And we also need to seriously investigate renewable ways of generating electricity and develop better ways of storing the power generated.  As I've pointed out before - solar power is great but the sun doesn't shine at night, which is when we need the light.

But there you are, Dear Reader, politicians these days seem so myopic.  For them 'forward planning' is thinking about how to win the general election after the next one - ten years ahead at most.  If we carry on burning fossil fuels at the present rate, and the present rate is increasing, we could well be turning blue from asphyxiation, if not drowning as the sea levels rise around us.  What we could really do with is some Statesmen, and Stateswomen who can take a really long term view - like the generation after the next one.  That way we might get some sensible policy making.  One can only hope.

And Finally - the skies will be blue this weekend.  Or on Saturday at least.  Y'all have a good day, and weekend, now!

knitting, rape, politics, greenness, moon, sex

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