Knitting, Not Knitting, Planning Knitting

Jul 14, 2015 13:10

The hands are still sore-ish.  Isn't pre-RSI wonderful, Dear Reader?  I did other things all day yesterday.  Then I knitted a bit last night, in two sessions - til the hands got too sore, stopped, exercised, stayed stopped a while, even did a crossword while watching something - so maybe I could have more usefully been watching something else.  (It was on BBC2, at 9pm, still no recollection of what it was about!)  Then started again.  I'm now on the sleeve cap of the first sleeve of Petal.  I think the mod is working, though I'm being careful with the yarn.  I really don't want to have to frog a sleeve to get two the same, but this lace-ish pattern won't frog from the bottom like good ol' garter stitch or stocking stitch will.  For that matter, neither does ribbing, I've tried!

Wandering around other knit blogs I was reminded of Kate Atherley's tribute to Dr Who, her Bigger on the Inside shawl.  Now there's an interesting-looking knit.  Lace, Tardis pattern and rib.  Hmmmm, two skeins of Tardis blue sock yarn and a 3.25mm circular needle.  I think I might be able to find that, somewhere.  Time to go stash diving?  Or at least to excavate past WiPs to locate the required needle.  Unfortunately my swap-the-tips circular knitting system only goes down to 3.75mm, and I'm using them for Petal.

Ah well, as they say in the Looney Tunes cartoons, th-th-th-that's all folks!


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