Do Not Disturb

May 04, 2015 17:41

There now, the Royal Family is increased by one*, Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana and everyone else, after Prince George, moves one further back in the line of succession.  I could, I suppose, if I wanted, knit a pair of socks in commemoration, but don't think I shall.  Oh I have the pink sock yarn but . . . Pink socks for a princess is just so predictable.  There is such a thing as a 'princess sole' for socks.  That's when you knit the sock sole with the 'purl bumps' on the outside - for people with very tender feet.  Maybe I'd better get on with the Curry socks and the Eclipse socks.  Meanwhile I'm looking for some more TV knitting.  Ah well . . .

Should you, Dear Reader, be troubled by insomnia then you could just try an eight hour video of a waterfall.  Put it on, complete with sound, and off you go . . .  zzzzzzzz!  Or that's what many people worldwide are discovering.  Who said that using your phone/tablet/computer late at night would shoot 'blue light' into your eyes and keep you Really Awake?  Cos someone has.  I'm not entirely sure that waking during the night and hearing water running would necessarily send me back off to sleep.  I think it'd be more likely to provoke a search for the source of the noise.  You know, just in case there really was water running somewhere in the house.  The video seems to work for other people though.

And Finally - in honour of the day, and I don't mean (May Day) Bank Holiday Monday, may the fourth be with you!

*I was checking the BBC News website Saturday morning.  No announcement there.  Finally caught it late afternoon/early evening on ClassicfM News!  I dunno.  Ah well, let's hope she sleeps better than D did at that age!

royalty, insomnia

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