Books and a Bear

Nov 18, 2014 11:08

Ooh look!  The new Paddington Bear film is out at the end of the month.  Lovers of the bear from Darkest Peru will, probably, be enchanted, though they seem to have rather gone overboard on the Effects, and seem to have put a fairly major Diversion (Nicole Kidman as a Baddie) into the story. I dunno, see what you think, Dear Reader.  I think it's something to do with having to appeal to the American audience.  They seem to like Big and Simple, the understated Britishness of the original Bear would probably just not have been enough, or that's what somebody thought anyhow.  Maybe they should have tried that.  The BBC did a great job animating the original stories some years back, see what you think about them too.  Apparently they'd booked Colin Firth as the voice of Paddington, only to discover that it just wasn't working.  The guy they finally settled on seems to have worked.  And no, I don't know who he is.  I'll leave that discovery to you, Dear Reader.

I remember trying to read the Paddington stories to S when he was young, about six or seven.  We'd always read to the children, but gosh there were a lot of words, specially after the picture books we'd started them off on.  Even compared with the Thomas the Tank Engine books.  I think that was around the time I left S to read for himself, rather than me reading to him, though in fact he'd been reading for himself for years already.  If you have small children, Dear Reader, do read to them, and with them.  Children should be introduced to books as a Good Thing.  A warm, comfortable and comforting experience in their parents' or grandparents' arms.  Pick a book with good clear pictures and an interesting story (believe me, if they like it you'll be reading it to them for what like seems forever.  Better pick a book you can get on with, better still, join the local library!)  Pick a quiet time, sit them on your lap and away you go.  You'll be amazed, with just them as your audience you might find you can do 'voices' and everything!  That way you both get a cuddle, get to sit quietly, get to understand how books go (left to right etc) and get to know books as a Good Thing.  You never know, they might even pick up the reading of the words for themselves.  So much easier for when they start school.  And with government plans to have your children into school from age three or younger you need to get in there from practically as soon as they can sit on your lap and focus.

The important thing is that they learn that books and reading are good, enjoyable.  I'm not sure how many children, first discovering books at school, particularly 'learn to read' books, are put off reading and find it more difficult than it should be.  Yes, I know about dyslexia etc, but most children aren't, and, surely, it's better that you notice that they have difficulty with words rather than they struggle for terms, or years, and eventually get labelled 'stupid'.  Some people manage to cover up their inability to read, or their extreme difficulties with it, for years, when it could have been sorted out much earlier.

And having started witheWhere the Wild Things Are, progressed to Peter Rabbit and Thomas the Tank Engine, you will soon both be on Paddington Bear and then the whole world of books, even Literature, can be their, and your, oyster.  Whether it's a hard copy book, or a kindle, reading is a Useful Skill and looks set to be one for many years to come.  Not only that, it's a great leisure occupation and you can learn so much from just 'stories'.

'K, shuttin' up now.  Just one thing, if you're quick and can get to London you can go on the Paddington Bear Trail.  Fifty people have decorated statues of Paddington Bear which are positioned around central London.  You can get maps, an Oyster card, or walk, and go see the lot - provided you go this year.  The trail ends 30th December.  Then you can go see the film.  Or, bearing in mind how long films stay in cinemas, you could see the film, opening 28th November, then go do the trail.   Hmmm, Central London just before Christmas . . .

Whatever, if all you visit is the websites, and maybe Amazon for the books, enjoy!  Y'all have a good day now!

PS  Ooh look, Cascade Heritage Paints 4ply comes in skeins.  Good thing I've got a ball-winder then, and one of those expanding skein-holder thingies!  The Postman came.  My cardigan shall have buttons.  Good thing too as it's feeling a tad chllly this morning.

reading, paddington bear, books

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