Public Information Blog - C A R

Jun 27, 2014 10:46

You may or may not have heard, Dear Reader, about the war currently going on in the Central African Republic.  It's bad, children are being taken as soldiers, women are being raped, many are being killed, up to half the population have been displaced from their land and are now refugees.

CAR is one of the poorest countries in Africa.  It's there on the map just to the right of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.  Of course, having a war going on is just making the country poorer, though I expect there are those who are making fat profits somewhere, there always are.

To help the refugees Tear Fund has produced resources to inform, so that we can know more and pray better.  There are also opportunities to give money.  See here - Tear Fund CAR Appeal.

Of course, what is really needed is a secure and lasting peace, but that is political.  It requires the people 'in charge' to actually want it, it requires the people making huge profits from the war to stop, it requires soldiers to stop fighting, it requires politicians and fighter leaders to get together and negotiate.  As you can imagine, all this is pretty impossible at the present, but with God all things are possible.

Then the country will need rebuilding, reconciliation, demobilisation - difficult for the men soldiers, really difficult for those forced to be child soldiers, and all that requires resources - not just money but relevant stuff, and people to advise and listen.  It will also require a lack of interference from outside sources, particularly those who are profiting from the present state of war, and that's politics.

It's easy to think, "Oh, that's Africa.  There's always fighting, refugees, need, etc, etc, in Africa!"  Seriously, don't the ordinary people of CAR, and the rest of Africa, deserve a chance to live in peace?  To have access to clean water, land to grow food, enough food so that they aren't even hungry - let alone malnourished or starving, schools and teachers . . .  You know, just a few of the things we take for granted.

So there you are, Dear Reader.  The ordinary people of the Central African Republic need you.  Y'all have a good day now!

refugees, africa, tear fund

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