Oh we woke up yes-day mawnin', looked at the clock - the hands were straight up and down. 6am!!! H attained consciousness, he'd enjoyed the lay in, got up, got ready and left in very short order. I turned over and went back to sleep. H stayed late at work to make up for getting in late. Ah well, the evenings are light now. Last night he set the alarm!
I finished the spiral socks for Mum, with undue amounts of jiggery-pokery as one of the colours had far less length of yarn to it. Still, they look ok *Thinx: must remember to block them, they have 'construction lines'!* They are made of leftovers from other pairs of socks, thus the materials were free, and they are fairly brightly coloured. Thought I'd better make any more socks for Mum in really bright colours so she stands a chance of noticing them, should they fall on the floor, before the dog does. Looks like I'm going to have to order some more yarn. Oh dear!
I don't know whether you've been caught by the
heartbleed bug, Dear Reader. I'm not sure whether we have either but H generally deals with banking and such and, being a Geek, is well equipped to deal with such things. Pity the banks, etc aren't! I fact with all the stuff about banks over the past few years - the greed of Bankers, Bank collapses, Bankers bonuses - even in bad years, and now heartbleed, well, it makes me wonder why we use banks at all. Is there any alternative? Back to paper-based banking anyone? Hah! Can anyone do the required arithmetic these days?
There now, off to search out some brightly coloured sock yarn. Y'all have a good day now!