Eclectic, catholic even

Feb 03, 2014 13:19

Greetings, Dear Reader.  Should you be one of the many who live too far south, or north I suppose, to see Aurorae - get a load of this, Northern Lights welcoming in the Year of the Horse in Lapland, or something like that!  Good eh?  For what it's worth according to the general zodiac feeds on the internet this year, people born in the year of the horse are going to have a bumpy ride, so they should lay low, don’t do anything too significant, but go to lots of parties.

You'll have to sort out whether you are a 'Horse' for yourself, Dear Reader, otherwise, provided the ride isn't too bumpy, you have nothing too significant planned and you like parties - it sounds like it could be a pretty good year!  Gah!  Who believes these 'fortune telling' thingies?  Pardon?  Oh, too many.  Hmmm, could be why there are so many internet scams out there, all these credulous people.  Pardon my cynicism.  Happy (Lunar) New Year anyhow.

Apparently unrelated, this desk light appears to be dead.  It *traces wire through general 'spaghetti'* is plugged in.  Just doesn't come on when I switch it.  Come to look at it, the little 'bulb' (LED?) has a dark mark on one side.  Guess that's blown then, and an ex-bulb.  Thinx: where do we have another desk light?  Cos it's a tad dark in this corner.   Good thing I can, mostly, touch type then!

You know about the Chinese probe on the moon, I told you about it in December, Dear Reader, if nothing else.  Have a, slightly extended, pic of the probe, Yutu, leaving the lander.  Warning, this link may only work today - 3rd Feb 2014.  I am still blown away by photos of other worlds.  The whole idea, probably, more than the actual pictures, but still.  Photos of other worlds!!!!!  From the surface of said worlds!!!!!  Hey, if nothing else, they show us how fortunate we are to be living on such a varied and interesting planet!

And entirely different, I was browsing my usual websites when I came across this delightful sentence,
"You think of the prehistoric artists who painted the caves of Lascaux and you think of Hieronymus Bosch’s Garden of Earthly Delights and you think of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are - and Phlegm’s work is a little of all these things, and something more."*
  What a wondrous concatenation of images, particularly Where the Wild Things Are.  We discovered that when S was but a babe and enjoyed it.  Think we actually have an ex-local-library copy around somewhere.  Anyhew, go chase down the works mentioned and have a compare.  I'll leave that entirely to you, Dear Reader.  Enjoy!

It was Candlemass yesterday.  For all the children went to the local Catholic secondary school they didn't know what this was. Try the link S and D!  Seems that across the Pond it's known more commonly as Groundhog day.  Well, it was sunny, on and off, all day.  As I've already mentioned, the Met Office reckon it's going to be wet and windy all month.  So make of that what you will.  Quite when it's going to turn cold . . .  Ok, 'tis a bit chillier today, but still in positive figures, so I'm not complaining.  Got me woolly socks on, got me fleece zipped well up, maybe I'll even put a fire on in a bit.  Maybe.

'K, that'll do.  Y'all have a good day now!

*Spitalfields Life, 1st Feb 2014

weather, chinese new year

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