
Dec 05, 2005 06:46

    So, for those who enjoy trivial postings, here goes: -

Back in June, as I was eating a bagel - untoasted, no cream cheese, I hasten to add - part of a molar came off.  Let me explain, the molar in question was but a rooted enamel shell around an amalgam core, so its days were clearly numbered.  That June day its number came up & bits fell off.   At he time I was in no condition to do more than think, “Ought to phone the dentist & get him to look at this.”
By about November I was well enough to not only pick up the phone but also take myself down to see him.  Nice man, our dentist, a Scot.  By then another couple of bits of enamel had come adrift, leaving a sharp edge, which was catching on my cheek.

Dentist had a look, took some x-rays, smoothed off the sharp edge & said, “Come back in a couple of weeks when we’ve had a chance to look at the x-rays & decide what else needs doing.”  Made an appointment for, I think, 12 or 19th Dec.

Last Thursday the tooth, or at least the gum beneath the tooth - it’s a lower right molar, #6, began to get a bit tender.  By Saturday evening, on Ibuprofen & chlorhexidine mouthwash, I was beginning to look as if at any moment I might launch into the Hamster Dance!

Fortunately the treatment seems to have been working & by Sunday morning the jaw was more normally sized, & comfortable.  So off we went to Church & enjoyed both the service & the Christmas Dinner.  By now, with added Ibuprofen, the jaw was virtually unnoticeable - unless you knew what to look for, so that was a Good Thing.  Today I’ll ring the dentist & see if he can do something about it before me next appointment.  Preferably before we Go West too.  Though the tooth obviously has already!

BTW - Sunday service was really good.  Plenty of singing opportunities & a good Sermon - on the Genealogy of Christ, Matthew chapter 1, verses 1-17.  Go read it sometime, preferably in a modern translation but one which has cross-references so you can look up the people named.  They were a motley bunch but “God was not ashamed to be called their God” - which says a lot for God.   Also shows there’s hope for the rest of us.  Cos NO WAY are we ever going to sort ourselves out to be Good Enough for God.   Fortunately He has already sorted that.   Hey - I didn’t say it was all going to be trivial, did I?

Church Christmas Dinner was great too.  Delicious food, excellent company, and good conversation - what more does one want?  Apart from a lower setting of the thermostat - the Lower Hall is usually warm, even without around 70 people dining therein.  Being able to eat in comfort was a Good Thing too.
Then a cycle back home, via the Cemetery & the Rec.  There are still loads of leaves on the trees, though they look a little more autumnal & a little less securely fastened today.  Plenty of squirrels too, & the goldfish in the pond swimming very lethargically.

I’ve rediscovered a way to stop my feet freezing while working on this computer, in all but the highest heights of summer temperatures it is possible to get chilly toes geeking out, even in thermal sock & pants, thick trousers/long skirt etc.  The solution?  Sit in a sleeping bag.  w00t!
Those who think ‘pants’ are actually outerwear as opposed to underwear should remember I’m writing this in REAL ENGLISH!

Also try clicking on I like the pink sofa/sofacover - despite the fact that it shares all the disadvantages of ‘loose covers’.   
Namely: - 
  • Even if they fit properly, they tend to rise up when someone sits on them,
  •  If they don’t fit properly they tend to rise up, or sag, all the time!    And
  •  If they’re too small not only do they rise up all the time but when someone sits on the sofa - “Ping!  Attack of the Sofa Loose Covers!”   I did warn you this would be trivial!

My Sis gave us two goats for Christmas (*Memo - do email thanks*) w00t!  That should make someone, or two, very happy somewhere.  Mind you, I’m not so sure about the ecological soundness of goats.  I mean, after humans they are the next biggest cause of environment degradation (apart from LJs Frank, that is).  Ok, it’s a long way between first & second place on that particular list but the point is still valid.   Think if we give SIL a goat for her birthday, she says she’s always wanted a goat; we’ll donate a few more pounds so they can also send a strong picket pin & chain.   People in the Third World who can’t afford to buy their own goat tend to be living on environmentally fragile land anyway & don’t need a goat, or several, eating them out of house, home & land quality.

Right, doziness beginning to kick in, otherwise I'd share Jamie Crick's Joke from Classic fM's "Easier Breakfast" with you all  - off back to bed, after 3 hours!   Sleep well yourselves.

Final Reminder

Today is the last day you can enter my “So What’s the Point?” Comp  - So get with it.

Should you be reading this after midnight on Monday, 5th December 2005, Hawaiian time - you’ve missed it.  Fret not, enjoy reading the entries & I’ll be having another competition soon.

Results will be posted in a Blog sometime later this week, or, as we’re planning on Going West to visit S, maybe next Monday, 12th Dec 05.  ‘Scuse me while I just go re-educate Spelly.  (Darn American programs)

dentist, sunday service, tooth

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