In Britain We Queue
There was an item in our local News recently that language students visiting the Isle of Wight would be told about queueing, how & why. & about time too. Now if the language schools would also teach them how to behave on buses - no yelled conversations with their friends in adjacent seats, or the other end of the bus, holiday makers & IoW natives alike will all be sooo much happier. People do go to the IoW for the quiet after all. Come to think of it, if someone would teach British teenagers the art of quiet conversation . . .
Some readers may remember that a while back I posted about three young men who were intending to drive an ice-cream van to Mongolia, for charity (&, I suspect, the adventure of it).
Well they've done it.
Of course we've all heard (something at least) of what is going on in Burma. w00t! for electronic communications. Quite what will happen this time remains to be seen. Suffice it to say that the Burmese are likely to get it in the neck - & various other places - Human Rights being thought far less important by the ruling regime than actually staying firmly in power. Apparently China, one of Burma's main allies/supporters, has been urging restraint upon the Burmese government. Suggesting that they do not target the protesting monks or civilians. Hmmmm, wonder whether they apply that policy in Tibet. Wonder, for that matter, what their attitude might be if they weren't trying to look good for the Olympics next year in Beijing.
And too much of sub-Saharan Africa is still under water. Only a matter of time (& short time at that) before cholera etc hits. Emergency Aid agencies are doing their best under difficult circumstances, but say that money just isn't coming in. Hey Readers, there are people out there! Do we really think that cos they're poor/black/in Africa, that they don't need, or deserve, our help? Because, coming just before harvest as the floods did, they're going to need food aid at least til next year, provided they can grow & harvest a crop then!
Y'all have a good day now!