Happy Valentine's Day
To you all, not just those who are in relationships, or who have managed to bag a 'significant someone' for the night at least. Love is so much more than 'moon & June & other things with 'oon''.
So what to do if you're one of the single ones? How about making cards & sending them to all the single people you know? OK, so I haven't this year. Besides which, come tomorrow all those pink/red chocolates/cava/cakes etc will be on Sale.
We Brits have been getting it right, apparently.
Drinking tea is Good For You. The fact that the research was sponsored by the Tea Council is neither here nor there, or so says the researcher, draw your own conclusions, Dear Reader. Just make sure it's Fair Trade tea, & there're plenty to choose from these days. You don't have to support performing chimps, or Stephen Fry, to get a decent cup of tea.
Far more worrying is the latest report that
the Uk comes bottom of a league table of 21 industrialised countries for child poverty. The US comes 20th!
What is it with the most 'developed' countries in the world? Are we all so seduced by the lure of making more & more money & getting more & more things that we have forgotten our children? Or is it that once we have money we can get things & it's all instant & easy. Raising children takes up to 20 years (each), is in no way instant, or particularly gratifying at times, & is Seriously Hard Work. There now, possible conclusion - the UK & the US are stocked with shallow, selfish, instant-gratification seekers, who won't commit (to each other for a few years, & definitely not to their children for far longer)?
Or is it that we've all, or many of us at least, have believed the lie that to be worthwhile & successful we have to have well paid jobs at which we work endless hours & to which we give our first loyalty? 'Scuse me, most company's first loyalty is to their shareholders, employees come way down the scale of priorities.
Mind you, having raised two (who are now 24 & 20) I can see where going out to work might have it's attractions. You get evenings & weekends off for starters, & annual leave. Meanwhile, as a mother's place is (often) In The Wrong, maybe I'll change the subject!
Came down this morning to find the Man in Green* had been - a box of Handfinished Fairtrade Chocolates (61% Fairtrade ingredients, from the Co-op) on the dining table. There now, romance, chocolates & a better deal for Third World Producers. What more could a girl want? Thanks, H.
*A long time ago some chocolate ad had a Man in Black delivering chocolates & vanishing. Then there was the ex-SAS housebreaker "all because the lady loves Milk Tray".
Y'all have a good day now!