Monday Meanderings

Oct 02, 2006 08:31

Good Morrow, Good Readers

Good Morning to you, Dear Readers.  I trust you had a good weekend.  We did.  Saturday we stayed at home, all day.  I blogged, caught up with the FL, sat & read, did some washing, knitted a bit, tidied the garden a little, photographed bits of it - Pics?  Maybe!   H caught up on his sleep all morning, & pottered around for the afternoon.  Yesterday, being Sunday, we were with the Church, praising God.  Then some more sitting around, knitting, reading etc.  Which was really nice as I haven't had a whole day at home since Thurs 14th Sept.  This week's all half days & next week could get very busy again, if I let it.

Oh dear, I pegged the washing out, it was drying nicely, & not we're having a downpour.  It can stay out, I've no intention of getting soaked getting it back in!

Hmmm, News . . .   The Government reckons that it'll take another ten years to improve standards of education in secondary schools.   But then, look at the article, they reckon that SATs have upped the standards in Primary schools no end.   I wonder.   Cos those in the know have repeatedly said that SATs (standard tests done every 2 years) DON'T actually test for any ability worth having - apart from the ability, or otherwise, to do SATs.  Certainly the number of 'functional illiterates' leaving primary schools seems to be on the increase.  And as for the number of pupils able to think for themselves . . .

You've probably heard but, Tesco is moving into the software market, fo PCs.  A copy of Tesco Office will cost around £20, as opposed to the sky high price of the Microsoft version.  I just hope they've plugged all those nasty, treacherous loopholes & 'back doors' which made the originals so prone to hackers & viruses.

Of course, you could always pay a little more, get a Mac & have a seriously stylish computer, which will run Windows style programmes, if you want, and is prone to only a handful of viruses!

Then - for those who like to travel - or even those of us who disapprove of Official Nosey Parkerdom - the agreement between Europe & the USA as to how much information has to be passed (to the US) with each visitor, has lapsed.  As have talks on a new one.   Now I can understand the US wanting to know a bit about those who visit.  After all, some of them may wish harm on the country.   But as much information as the US is demanding  requesting?

Hello!  US Immigration & people - the hijackers of the 9/11 planes were on internal flights!  And anyway, what's to stop those wishing to cause harm giving false data?   All the US will collect is data on the innocent, & a lot of guff from others.  Now, is that a good use of Taxpayers money?

There is Revival in India - well, in a couple of northeastern states anyhow.  I mean, it's been going on for aaaages, but it's finally got into the News.   Now I already knew that Mizoram was virtually a 'Christian' state - being about the only one in India.  But this is Good News indeed (even if the report isn't entirely accurate).  Oh for there to be Revival in the UK!

A survey has shown that most  people (of the people surveyed) think that getting married in your twenties, and having children before you hit your thirties, is a Good Thing.  Should you be thirty plus, & single - nil desperandum.  This is only what the listeners who replied to BBC "Women's Hour" thought.  Although with the programme no longer going out of an afternoon, & with podcasts, the results aren't as skewed by 'sample bias' as they might once have been.

Pardon?  Oh yes, I was married in my twenties & had had both children by the time I turned thirty ( just - by 12 days!)  Don't know what I'd recommend, except that I wouldn't want to start on children again now, or at any time over the past ten years or so!  Fortunately that might be becoming an academic point.  w00t!

Having mentioned the above survey, it only seems fair to mention this survey as well - which wasn't conducted by "Women's Hour".   Some of the conclusions were: -

"There is a need to educate men as well as sex workers about safer sex.

"We have to acknowledge that many men will pay for sex and that they need to know more about condoms, the safety of oral sex, and how to access sexual health services."

Hmmmm, & maybe there is a need to educate everyone about the proper use of sex!

Meanwhile those who eagerly follow fast cars (not literally, I hope!) -  BBC "Top Gear" presenter Richard Hammond is "doing well" after crashing in an attempt at the World Land Speed Record last Thursday week.  There are some (possibly scurrilous) rumours that he's now looking for ways of 'souping up' his motorised wheelchair.  Best wishes for your recovery, Richard!

Of course, various people are now saying that "Top Gear" was unsafe, irresponsible, & encouraged people to attempt similar stunts on their own.  Excuse Me, this is a BBC programme.  It has it's own personal entourage of "Health & Safety" experts.  Unfortunately it's in the nature of things involving tons of metal machinery & inflammable fuel that, no matter how many precautions you take, accidents will happend.  That's life!

Anyone daft enough to attempt such stunts on their own, unsupervised, without the proper planning & backup team needs their head examined.  Mind you, I'm inclined to thing that anyone who is married, with children, & still undertakes really risky stunts (no matter how well planned) might be in need of similar 'help'.  Their families certainly do - witness what happened to Steve Irwin!

So there you are, ladies.  When 'looking around' remember - a 'sense of adventure' in your man may be exciting, but will it make for a long term relationship & 'father' being there for the children?

For that matter, on both the last links - what price personal responsibility & thinking of the (significant) Others in one's life?

Right, "Nuff 4 now".   Really MUST go do some vacuuming & dusting.  The towels have 'landed' too.  Dare I peg them out?

Y'all have a good day now!

usa visitor data, schools, personal responsibility, weekend, marriage, sex

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