Late evening ramble.

Nov 26, 2009 22:57

Akhhh, I'm having a minor breakdown. I will be so incredibly glad when I no longer have to do any Music, German (sorry Kegel), English, Chemistry ever again after the summer. Even though I DO have to do Chemistry, but to be honest the problem with chemistry is actually my teacher, who I hope very much not to have in A Level.

So today was the first episode in series 3 of Gavin & Stacey, it was ok, didn't live up to the hype (we had an exceptionally boring day so me and Lorraine were talking to each other in our Bryn and Nessa voices -she's Nessa, I'm Bryn- all day interspersed with shouts of BONER BONER BONER, immature but we were mega excited by the time 9 oclock rolled around). And then the episode went by so quickly we were quite disappointed, but Doris was in it so all was good.

I'm actually only up writing this inane rubbish because I'm waiting for my ipod to charge, and Apple won't do the sensible thing and make a charger I can plug into the wall *angerr*. And why do I need my ipod charging at 10.51pm? Because of my stupid new week's resolution is to run 3 mornings a week, so I will be out at 6.15 plodding along the streets of ye old Mortimer Village. What Joy.

Luckily I recently found the Teninch icon I made with a lot of prodding from Megan two years ago, and that is cheering me up immensly. Drag is very underrated.

Oh and on the bedroom; I FINALLY got it cleaned, I'm quite protective over it now, I barely step foot in there, it's spotless. Along with my dressing gown which I cleaned for the first time in 18 months yesterday. It's not as soft anymore, but there isn't stuff growing in the pockets now :)
Ciao x

television, educational stuffs

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