My running commentary of doctor who...

Nov 15, 2009 20:05

My family have to hear it, and so do you, (at least consider yourself lucky that you can voluntarily read it and they have it forced upon them) you'll have to forgive me, and guess whenabout everything fits in.


- oooh blonde lady looks a bit like gran.

- my christmas dinner this year is ham... hmm.

- Charming east-european man reminds me very much of my second-cousin's father. (He's dutch, and thrashed me at table football 10-3, incase you're wondering. Would've been 10-1 if another second cousin didn't join in to help me)

- 20 minutes in and I'm missing the fear factor. I'm apprehensive, and have a feeling of impending doom, but so far the episode feels like it's going to beome a big massacre.

- Dom and I have just figured out pretty much the entire episode. People infected. People try to escape. Teninch finds moral duty in staying around until the last minute. Teninch gets emotionally attatched to random character. Teninch blows up base in one big nucleur explosion. Teninch Mopey and depressed for two more episodes.

- I'm growing attatched to charming east-european (with gay brother).

- I really don't find Teninch speaking in tongues a turn on. Which is surprising, because I do for most other things.

- Ooooh moral dilemma. and people try to escape, thats the first 2 of 6 predictions correct.

- And Teninch is staying. 3/6.

- As a fan of biking, I agree with Teninch.

- Blondie gran-lookalike makes a good point. They really shouldn't be listening to his long winded stories in the middle of a crisis. Other characters could learn from her. I like this woman.

- I have a feeling this reference to JE could be the closest we get to Rose all episode, so I'm savouring it.

- There are more characters with sob stories on this show than on X-Factor.

- This "It starts with you Blondie " bit actually gives me shivers.

- I take it back, this episode is not entirely predictable, that was an actual twist. Although is she saying nobody's drank anything on this day, or did I miss something while I was typing.

- Aww he's so adorable when he's about to cry, why doesn't anyone give him a hug?

- Okay, what was the point in terms of storytelling in making those two hold hands? Keep off the charming east-european, bitch.

- Ooooh those guys are clever. (Those guys being the infected ones, not the humans.) That roof thing is smart.

- I'm glad RTD is leaving. The episodes are all samey. Pompeii (which ironically teninch has just mentioned) , titanic, this etc, all have the same basic principle. And my family are now fed up of me telling it to them.

- Teninch looks awfully pale in that space suit.

- And the massacre begins. Intense, not scary but intense. And samey. You can have too many moral messages.

- Okay, that is genuinely depressing, a good chance for me to practise my German, but really sad.

- Is that a shuttle? Do they not realise that shuttles would've been out of use at least 45 years previously.

- Aww those two guys are extremely moral. I respect them entirely. (But it turns out I got the wrong guy holding hands, the asian girl is with the american not the east-european I think).


- Dad just pointed out they wouldn't have those flames on Mars.

- And he's back. There was a very vague mention of Rose in that montage. If you squint, very , very hard.



- He's quite patronizing to robots isn't he.

- This is definitely new. I take back all earlier comments on RTD's stories. I am really liking this whole, I don't give a f*** about the rules of time, I'm gonna do whatever in f***'s name I want to.

- East European guy is saved. But is this a parallel world? I don't understaaaaaand.

- "I like snow" one more vague squinty Rose reference.

- No! BLONDIE! don't rid him of this sexy evil power lust!!

- You are a winner!

- Blondie-grandmother-lookalike has more morals than Teninch! And he's about to cry again.

- The scene Billie Piper "filmed" was of her walking down a street in the snow. So naturally I am shouting ROSE ROSE ROSE.

- YOU AREN'T GOING TO DIE TENINCH I'LL SAVE YOU. And I like who you've become.

- I'm having a heart attack, I'm pretty sure of it.

- I get the feeling he'll be mopey and depressed for 2 episodes. So I'm going for 4/6 predictions correct there.


Okay, now I'm mega excited for Christmas, and top gear in an hour, I need to get a move on with my coursework...

reviews, teninch, doctor who

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