Christmas & Beyond.

Nov 29, 2011 19:59

Yesterday I got an offer from my (probable) top choice University, so now I've just got to buckle down and get the grades... which will involve some rather extensive history revision because I know zilch at the moment, and I need an A in it to get my place.

So that's the good news. There is no bad news. Except this years littlewoods hristmas advert which makes me want to bawl my eyes out in disgust.

Other news, with neither positive nor negative connotations, are my decision to do christmas cards again this year. I've been a bit crap with my posting this year, and possibly even worse at commenting, but I'd still love to send cards. Just leave your address and ting, comments are screened.

Much Love!

christmas time mistletoe and wine, educational stuffs

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