(no subject)

Oct 24, 2009 12:04

My To Do List Before 3.30 This Afternoon;
1) Shower. [Done]
2) Clean out Rodrigoes cage
3) Replace sheets on my bed.
4) Pickk all clothes off floor and hang up in wardrobe, or throw in washing machine.
5) Hoover floor (or get Mum to)
6) File away all homework scattered  across room.
7) Take out bin and chuck out moulding uneaten pizza in box.
8) Buy condoms (it always pays to be prepared) and strepsils.

...Never all going to get done in 3 hours, but on the plus side I am seeing Green Day tonight. Which reminds me...

9) Listen to new Green Day album, so am not raving to unknown songs tonight and looking like a complete gimp.

And onto my weekly moan.
My parents are taking me to Holland on Tuesday (without asking, thank you very much) for 5 days, and I have spent the last 2 hours compiling a list of why this is so dispicable.

1) I am missing Halloween for the 2nd year in a row even though they PROMISED last year that I would be able to go to the parties this year.
2) I have to visit tonnes of boring old people who don't speak English, just because they're my cousin's mother's aunt's sister's grandfather's illegitamate son. Or some other, far too distant, better forgotten relation.
3) Everyone I will be seeing is strictly catholic, which means I need to be careful about everything I do, say, wear...
4) I am missing David Tennant on the Sarah Jane Adventures. I hate that show, but I wouldn't miss Teninch for the world.
5) I will have no internet. Or computer.
6) I will not be able to communicate with Sam, my new "muse", who lives an hour away, and goes to boarding school 3 hours away, so I can usually only talk to over the internet. Although he is on school holiday the week I'm away, so if life was FAIR I would be out seeing him next week :(
7) I am not allowed any me-time.
8) It's just going to be BORING.

So all in all, today I'm not happy.
Apart from Green Day, that will be good.

Ciao x

It is not 2.35, I have just found out I'm leaving at 3 not 3.30 and so far of my list I have only done:
1) Shower. [Done]
2) Clean out Rodrigoes cage
9) Listen to new Green Day album, so am not raving to unknown songs tonight and looking like a complete gimp.

I'm doomed :(


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