so... life.

Jun 27, 2010 23:22

So, quick round up of life;

- We're out of the world cup. I watched it at a friends, with her foster parents. It was good company, made the game enjoyable. Am still livid about the Lampard goal-which-should've-been, even though everyone keeps telling me that we would've lost anyway. (to be fair, we would've. but I am a bad loser, even when it's not me playing)

- I've been doing a Keeley Hawes rewatch in the last few days, with a friend. So far we've both watched Macbeth and Death at a Funeral, I'm half way through Mutual friends at the moment and she is on LOM (which despite not having Keeley in, we're going to watch as a part of the rewatch) I will probably review most of the stuff, at some point. Although a lot of it would probably be squee.

- I've put the tv meme on hiatus until next month. I'm 6 days behind now, I think, and I can't do all of them in one day. And my OCD won't just let me start on the first one I missed and go on with one everyday. I need to wait until the right day next month. Seriously, ocd is no fun.

- GLASTO! I've actually had to record all of it, because I've been so stressed about my violin exam tomorrow, which I know nothing for (and that's not even a joke. my teacher rang home and said there was almost no point me taking it because I'm just not ready. I'm only doing it because I can't get a refund if I don't, so I may as well have a stab at it) . But still, Muse AND the Scissor Sisters on one night... I wish I was there, so much.

- the weather is hot. and my laptop fan is pretty much defunct, so my room boils up in about 30 minutes when I am using it. Which is most of the day.

- Doctor Who... I've heard mixed opinions, but I loved it. I'll review in more detail at a later date. Probably.

- I am completely free after 11.57am tomorrow morning. Once this exam is over, I have no obligations at all (apart from July 6-9th) until September... 3rd, I think. YES!

- Prom photos are slowly making their way to the computer. I have now taken my camera out of it's bag. Slow and Steady etc.

- Remember back in January I said I was attempting 100 books this year? I just remembered about that yesterday, figured I should update, as we are over half way through the year. I have so far read 3/4 of two books. So that's... 1.5 books, technically. I do have 10 books in my bookshelf waiting for me to read this summer though, I may get cracking with one tomorrow afternoon.

- Another thing to remember... remember when I was moaning about my classmates boasting about getting prizes at our schools prize giving... yeah I may have got a letter the other day saying I have won the physics one. I am happy, but I hate physics, despite it being the subject I am most naturally gifted at. I spend my lessons gossiping and dancing around the classroom (I have video evidence) . But I shall not question my teacher's motives.

I think that is all for now. Hope stuff's good with you, sorry if I haven't been commenting on stuff much lately, I promise after tomorrow, LJ (and Keeley Hawes) will pretty much become the bane of my life, and I will be this spamming, commenting freak. Well not spamming, I always find it to be a bit tooo much effort. *iz lazy*

keeley hawes tag, random

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