My musical tastes shame my family...

May 25, 2010 23:02

So, I'm going into town to pick up some new boxsets to accompany my revision tomorrow (and some other stuff, including, if they have it in stock, a David Bowie vest, which I am lusting over at this present time. I need vests in this heat, I want bowie clothes, it all fits perfectly.), not entirely sure which ones I'll get yet. I'll probably just get Life on Mars. I really want the Doctor Who Series 1-4 boxset, but I'm kind of DWed out at the moment, and because I have all the episodes (except the Titanic one, which is mysteriously missing from my collection) in various formats around the house, and I've watched all the good episodes to death over the last 3/4 years. And I can't afford that boxset yet. :(
I could get Robin Hood, but I've only just got over a hardcore obsession with that, and I'm not sure I want to bring it back quite yet. Then the only other stuff I watch are comedies like Gavin and Stacey, Outnumbered, etc, which the BBC replay every couple of months, and crap like Skins which I just can't rewatch episodes of.

tl;dr - I seem to have watched all my favourite tv shows to death. Although my boxset of the "show which I must not mention", which I brought last week, is lasting me surprisingly well, considering the ridiculous number of times I've watched each episode already.

Oh, and I will have a completely replenished my collection of Wham! CDs tomorrow evening, I hope. I'm going to need to throw an 80s party now I have all this music, I hope this phase lasts a while. I say 80s. It would be pretty much New Wave + Wham + Glam Rock, and I know that's actually 70s, but I was born in the middle of the 90s, no-one I invite will know the difference. Shame my birthday was last month, really.

Actually; speaking of music, are any of you either XTC or Duran Duran fans, because I want to get into them but I have absolutely no idea where to start. Well, I have Sgt. Rock by XTC, but nothing else, and I've heard Duran Duran on the radio, and liked it, but I have absolutely no clue about when they peaked and the like....


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