Run away, run until you're legs won't carry you anymore. Then run a little further.

Apr 30, 2010 22:19

Bank Holidays FTW

...I've only been back at school 4 days and I already can't wait to stop. Meh. After five years of the exact same people in the same clothes every single day, it is quite easy to get fed up.

Birthday was good. I didn't get masses off presents and stuff (3 to be precise) because as lovely as my friends all are, they aren't half crap at remembering things, but I had such a good day. I got a load of homemade fairy cakes from a friend as a birthday surprise, which I loved. But even better, my closest-guy friend made me a mixtape-cd, which I really, really wasn't expecting. I wasn't even expecting a card from him. He'd put all our favourite songs, plus a couple of new ones on. And I had a barbeque in the evening. Which was just amazing because I'm a barbeque addict. Which doesn't really work, living in England.

Also; went out and bought my first lottery ticket yesterday. I have high hopes.

However, one small downer is that Megan, has managed to grab herself a boyfriend, which means that she won't be coming with our group of friends to our prom, as was previously arranged. And she was the main reason I was going to go with friends. So now I need to find myself a date. And all the good guys seem to have been taken already (yes okay, it was a bit stupid to hope anyone decent would've waited until the last minute).

Ashes to Ashes- Okay, I WISH I didn't ship Alex/Gene. I just don't see it ending happily. I never even wanted to ship them in the first place. Gr. But the episodes in this season have been pretty good, I've found. Although it did freak me out in the episode with the dating agency when they scraped all the dirt off the face of that buried woman. I watched 3x02,03 and 04 together so they've all become a bit of a blur. (I haven't watched tonights episode yet though.) ETA: God I hope this whole Gene killed Sam thing is one big wind up.

Outnumbered- I LOVE IT I LOVE IT. I WANT AN ICON OF KAREN AND BEN. She's sooooo adorable, the tennis episode was one of the best yet, especially at the beginning. And all the scenes of Karen re-enacting tv shows on her bed are love. And, well, Ben's just... brilliant in every single way. (You can totally tell I'm not a parent)

ETA x2 : I may have been thrust into a position of responsibility in school today (as if that wasn't bad enough- there's more) and I may now be in charge of making my form tutor's leaving video. Which may have to be shown to my entire year group in an assembly in two weeks. And I may also know absolutely zilch about video editing.

So yeah, to get to the point, does anyone know anything about video editing? I have to use pictures and pre-recorded clips, and probably background music. Any help would be really useful. Even if it's just a program I could use.
I remember once, a few years ago I used windows movie maker, but I don't know where my copy of that is or anything. Or if I'd still have any idea how it works.


television, reviews, ashes to ashes probably deserves a tag, random, bronwyn's feeling good about herself

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