So, in the continuing saga of Bronwyn's unproductive lessons, this is the result of today's history lesson.
Okay, this was actually done by L & C, a couple of friends who I sit near in history. I wasn't allowed to contribute, just sit there and laugh.
The Stalin Viking is saying "capitalism" in his second line if you can't read it (I couldn't)
This is the close up of the cartoon-y bit, because it didn't look very clear on the first picture, ETA: I just looked at it again, it is actually quite clear, but it took all that effort to load up another picture. I shall not be deleting it, sorry. Also, upon rereading, they aren't as funny anymore. Damn.
I also repeirced my ears last night. That hurt. A lot. I haven't worn earrings in about a year, and on m right it was mostly still open, but my left was pretty closed up. I took the earring out an hour ago, and my lobe is not a very healthy colour, and pretty sensitive. And I had my cervical cancer jab (the final one, wahoo!) earlier, so all the muscles in my left arm ache. And the ones in my right arm, and my right leg as well, for some reason. So now is the time to be glad you've never met me, because as you can probably guess, I have been a moaning tosser all day.
In my second to last chinese lesson today, we gave up on learning the language, and did a load of buddhist meditation and talking about our more attractive teachers instead.
It's two weeks until we go now, I'm extremely excited. It's actually a school trip, but there are only 7 people, including myself, going from my yeargroup, and between 15-20 from the others. Because there are so few of us, and we're the oldest, we've been given pretty much the same responsibilites as the adults and teachers on the trip. We're the only students allowed to buy alcohol at mealtimes, and although I don't actually drink, I am going to be ordering drinks just to spite everyone else. Because that's what I do :)
Ciao for now!