Intercomm & Lord of the Flies

Feb 01, 2010 00:38

I really pushed that one to the limits! I posted my intercomm epic short fic at 00.00.27 GMT according to my watch (that's to the intercomm comm, not RAS- I would tag them but I have issues with the community tag thing. Or I did the other day anyway), the excitement is actually overwhelming me, I want to stay up all night and see if RAS can catch TAR on the fic count! Unfortunately that would be ridiculous.

Also, before I pop off to sleep, I was trying to catch up on the chapters of Lord of the Flies -this book actually makes me sick, I can't believe our teachers chose it over Mockingbird for our final exam- I missed when I was off school, and Lorraine gave me this helpful summary "tbh the same shit happens in every chapter, they hunt, they eat, they argue, they sleep, they rape, they hunt ECT, ahah soo boring". I posted it as my facebook status and I've attracted "like"s from the majority of my year group! It feels like I have friends! She didn't warn me that Simon died in the chapter they read in class though, if she had I wouldn't have read it just before I went to bed. Bad idea.

Now we're into our second month, I should just give an update on my reading 50 books this year thing. I have so far read.. 2/3s of ONE BOOK. Epic failure. I'm not cutting down my target though. I will prevail.

writer, educational stuffs, robin hood

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