It's times like these a Tardis would be extremely useful.

Jan 26, 2010 22:14

I just realised today that I have my sixth form interview on Thursday... which would be fine if I actually had something to wear. I don't own anything smart! 75% percent of my wardrobe is t-shirts, and 25% jeans. Well that's not exactly true, I have a couple of hoodies in there somewhere. But my point still stands; I only wear extreme casual!!

I sort of found a dress I could wear... with a rather revealing top half, so I've sort of improvised with a blouse and jumper... it vaguely works. I think. I'll find out on Thursday.

Also; I really need to get working on my rh_intercomm fic, it's over half way done now (as it was 2 weeks ago), then when that is done; on studying. Our Head of year pointed out we had 53 working days left until our final GCSEs start, which made me have a little party inside, but everyone else sort of freak out. And now I'm joining in the freaking out.

But I do have some good news. I managed to incorporate a Tardis into a poster we were making in RS this morning. I thought it worked rather well, although our teacher did ask why there was a blue house on our poster. I'll give her the benefit of the doubt and hope she just hasn't ever watched Doctor Who.

writer, educational stuffs, doctor who, deadlines shmeadlines, robin hood

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