Title: When Two Become One
broms_lullabyPairings: John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell,
Rating: Hard R
Word Count: 921
Warnings: Mentions of sex, implied character death (sorta, it isn't sad), potential mindfuck, concepts that would make Kurt Vonnegut proud.
Summary: A handful of times Cam and John got married.
AN: While I am suffering from the exact opposite of writer’s block at the moment, I don’t know exactly what to do next in Domum Longinquo, and feel that if I go too far ahead I won’t come back to write the boring important filler. Also, while doing research for this I found out that Canada legalized gay marriage in 2005, which would have been during or after the custody battle that I mentioned in Domum Longinquo, so we are going to pretend that they legalized it in 2002, when I thought they did. Also, this doesn’t really have a specific time spot in the series, but the earliest marriage took place after
An Eye... but before
...For an Eye.
Excubiae PerpetuaDisclaimer: I own neither Stargate SG-1 nor Stargate Atlantis.
When Two become One
John and Cam got married privately in Auburn, Kansas, on June 21st, 1993 in the back yard of Cam’s childhood home. Most of Cam’s Family showed up, those that didn’t sent their apologies and were nearly all deployed overseas. John’s family, his father and brother, responded to their invitation with a Fuck No! written personally by his father. John received a letter of congratulations from his brother shortly after, asking them not to tell on him. John’s mom had died from complications due to cancer the day after John proposed. They tried not to take that as a sign, and both agreed that she was there in spirit. The only person that showed up for John was his mom’s mistress Susan, and she cried a lot. She had always been more of a parent than his father anyway.
Susan gave John away, as was the obvious yet emotional choice. Cam was given away by Aunt Betty the Ginger, as she was considered head of the Family, and that was her right according to Family tradition. John never figured out exactly how she was related to Cam, but eventually learned that it didn’t matter, and with that came to have a very different understanding of family, one that didn’t include his father until much later, but did include people like Susan, and Evan Perry, and maybe even Nikolai Lorne.
The ceremony was performed by Cam’s cousin Joe with the Ears, who was a Methodist minister, and John thought that they might have a great grandfather in common. It was pretty standard as far as weddings go, and short, but afterwards was a party that lasted for several days and included a lot of baking, talking about football, and sex. On everyone’s part. John and Cam had five new nieces and nephews nine months after that, and if Cam’s Aunt Mary from That One City, You Know the One (which John certainly didn’t) hauled Susan off into the woods to help her forget the fact that she was kinda a widow now, no one said anything.
The marriage wasn’t legal by any stretch of the imagination, but that didn’t matter to anyone important. Cam’s Gramma (who was actually his grandmother) always said God doesn’t care about the laws of Man, and that was good enough for them.
John and Cam got married publicly in Vancouver for their tenth wedding anniversary. It was a small affair, with just them, the Registrar, Sam Carter and Evan Perry, who had changed his last name to Lorne after he received his commission. John was at the SGC with Sam, a member of SG-3 and about to be promoted to Major. Cam and Evan were technically supposed to be in Afghanistan, but John had no qualms asking General Lorne for a favor. They wouldn’t be there much longer anyway, John knew that Cam was being transferred to Area 51 in the next few months to start testing the new X-302’s, and the SGC was going to pick Evan up to make use of his Geology degree when they started mining for naquadah.
They didn’t exchange rings as they already had them, but they did make some very personal vows, and while it still wasn’t quite legal, it gave them grounds to petition the military for married status. The received it, even if they probably shouldn’t have, and the next time John saw Nikolai Lorne he winked at him.
The first time John and Cam really got married was on the last night they spent as roommates at the Academy. Even though they had been together for months, they hadn’t really had sex yet, as it was dangerous at the Academy and John didn’t want to do it when they were visiting Cam’s family.
That night, however, they didn’t really care about potential consequences. They found condoms for both of them, as they had been entering puberty when the AIDS epidemic started and it still scared the shit out of them, and spent the entire night making love to each other. At some point during the night, in between the smooth glide of lubricated latex on skin, the cuddling, the passionate kisses, John’s hushed curses and Cam’s prayers both of them made the decision that this was it, they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together.
It took them four years before they could communicate that to each other.
The last time that the beings once known and Cam and John engaged in the act of becoming one cannot be placed at a moment in time, because, as they had learned upon ascension, linear time does not exist.
They were in the middle of what could be considered sex, but that was such an inadequate term for it that they wouldn’t call it that. The had spent an eternity, or maybe only a moment, the lack of time makes it difficult for us to really understand, combining themselves when they both came to the conclusion that they were bored. Being ascended wasn’t all that exciting in truth. Sure, you knew everything there was to know, but you couldn’t actually do anything with that knowledge, so what was the point?
When they realized that they came to miss corporeal life, and so, after promising to find each other and fall madly in love again, they separated and reincarnated.
That wasn’t the last time they got married, but it was the last time they did it as beings that could identify themselves as ‘John’ and ‘Cam.’
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