Oct 04, 2005 00:24
yeaH so gary officially went crazy! like seriously, no joke.. all out psycho. k this is the story: there is this 17 yr. old girl he's with (and im not sure if it's her but.. that's who he's w/ now-- he cheated on my sister w/ her and lied about lots of other things..) he is wanted or w/e for statitory rape.(sp?) and he has warrent(S) out for his arrest. he's been in and out of prison (one of the reason's being the fact that he's shot at ppl but didn't actually kill them)k. he's addicted to some pill but i forgot what (not vikodin but that name reminds me of it) and he is very obviously into some kind of drug like crack or something (that's what my sister suspects..). k so last night (sunday) he heard from someone that at this bonfire my sister was at the other night.. she TALKED to this guy named mike. NOTHING ELSE. just talked, no kissing or hugging.. anything. he came into meijers (where kristi works of course)at like 10 something (she didn't get out 'till 12-12:30) walking in and yelling across the place "SO THAT'S HOW IT IS, THAT'S HOW IT FUCKIN IS BITCH!?!?" at my sister in meijers and making a HUGE scene. well my sister has a doctor in her line right? and he is all scared b/c gary was gettin up in ppl's faces tellin them to back the fuck off so he could talk to kristi. then the guy that is like in charge of meijers or something came up i guess and went to talk to gary and gary was wigging out and told him to back the fuck off and was yelling at him.. my sister told the guy to back away b/c gary was crazy. he told kristi he was gonna be outside in a car that she wouldn't know what car and he would be waiting for her to get out of work. then he was gonna follow her home. well i had to get a tape for our video camera for mass media and my dad was all mad about it but good thing we went to meijers. we found out bout the whole thing and there were cops all around meijers watching and in the store and everything. he was threatning kristi that he was gonna tell kmart about what she did there and then he was gonna kill her and he had guns and everything and that he put an ounce of something (didn't say what) in her house and he was gonna call her p.o and tell her it was in kristi's house so she would get introuble and go to prison. yea he just kept thretning a bunch of crazy shit. meanwhile damien is at krisit's neighbors. well i wanted to get the baby but my dad was like well lets take her home first. but of course we weren't taking her home alone. well she got let out early and me, her, and my dad went outside, me and my dad got in our car and kristi went to put the key to the car she drove there in the car so gary could come pick it up (she didn't wanna drive it b/c we didn't know if he cut the brake lines or anything stupid like that) so she was talkin to gary on the fone and told him she was gonna get a ride w/ my dad. she didn't know we were showing up and gary was like bullshit bitch ur tryin to set me up. well ya know what.. and he would start threatning her again. yea. well she ended up taking the key w/her and then gary said he was outside in meijers parking lot and we didn't know what car but he could see us and knew where we were parked. so we left and a few min. later we got closer to my sister's house and he said he was in the trailor (which was directly behind us) and behind that was actually where he was. he was in this aztec thing (the 17 yr. old girl's car- so we're guessing he was w/ her) so my dad instead of going to my sister's house he turned left and went back onto m120, gary followed, then he turned into speedway and gary was gonna follow but didn't he ended up going on the expressway then he eventually came back towards my sister's house. he was circling around her neighborhood and everything. well a lil bit later (my dad took us on this REALLY LONG drive around and gary was randomly like "you guys are still at speedway aren't u?" and we were like no we left there a long time ago.. but yea me, my sister, and my dad went to my house locked everything and made sure all the lights n tv computer w/e was all off and then we made sure our cars were locked and everything. my sister was talkin to gary on the fone in the car and he was threatning her and everything and he was like yea well how bout ya call mike joe and see what i did to 'em go ahead call em and see what the fuck i did. i messed em up, i messed em up real bad, call em and ask em. so kristi was like wtf gary what did u do? and he wouldn't say. so my sister talked to these ppl that know mike and she asked them if they knew anything.. and she said that gary slashed mike's and his parents tires. all of em. (this is just b/c kristi 'talked' to mike and gary was accusing kristi of cheating on him, when gary was the one that was and is still cheating on her.)well we got all freaked out. seriously it was flippin scary. we didn't know where he was or what he was gonna do at this point, obviously. and so me, my parents, kristi, and michael all took this really long and diff. way to my sister's house and quickly got damien and stuff. well when we got there,there was a tv sitting in her yard and her vaccum was on the porch and stuff like that (gary still has a key to her house, even if he didn't he could just brake in but still..) but we went next door and got hte baby and we saw a bunch of cops that were sitting out all around her neighborhood b/c joe and that girl called the cops bout the tire slashing thing. so they were def. after gary.. but yea we went and drove around forever. its not 3:40 something int he morning and we stop at this hotel, we were gonna stay but b/c we would hafta be out by 11am so we just decided it's been long enough he isn't gonna do anything now b/c he would of already.. so we just went back to my house and stayed here.. we got here about 4/5 in the morning. then he called my sister and was talkinto her and he was being all normal all of a sudden and kristi was tellin him he needed to get help and stuff and he was like i know, i know.. and they were talkin and he said that he had to run from these cops out by her house. (literally ran, on foot..) and had to hide behind a tree. and he called my dad's cell fone so.. that means he was dropped off by that girl and he was there whne we got the baby b/c he had to of seen us to know my sister was in my dad's car (we had both my mom and dad's). now he's saying he's gonna turn himself in. but he wants my sister to come see him, trade cars and see the baby one last time before he turns himself in, but i doubt he will.. but ya never know what to expect. its gary. so yea that was my weekend.. well the last day.then i got up this morning at 7:30 and was like 5 min. late to school b/c i didn't end up getting to sleep until around 5/6. but i g2g b/c hte bb is here right now and i hafta make him a bottle and get to bed. so tt4n.
kELLy *
* jEAn